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tHEcONCH has slithered in...


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...to your website. tHEcONCH will amuse you by referring to himself in the third person at all times. tHEcONCH is new to marine but already has one too many tanks in addition to a few too many freshwater tanks and a pair of troublesome Reeve's turtles. Like his alias, tHEcONCH will say little but lurk about in the forums occassionally appearing with his insides flapping about in the flow, sifting through the detritus of old school thinking and know-all assertion looking for the tasty good bits of wisdom worth digesting...

Yours in anticipation, tHEcONCH...

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Greetings to tHEcONCH.

Loopy hopes tHEcONCH will keep an eye out for details of the local club in the clubs section. She thinks tHEcONCH sounds like a wonderful candidate for the club with a well established addiction! :bow:

Enjoy your stay!
I am going to edit that because you seem to be a rather entertaining character and I think we will enjoy your stay just as much if not more!!! :lol:
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