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Dying guppies


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My problem seems to be if I introduce new stock,generally males are the ones I am adding.

They start out with nice big flowing tails,but within a week or two,there tails have all but disappeared and there bodies are now skinny,they still eat but don't put on any weight.Some tend to hang around the top of the tank,some on the bottom,they can be in this condition for months.The original guppies all seem to be fine

I have kept the guppies apart for months,basicly isolating them but as soon as I bring them together its the same result.

Furthermore all the fry I am raising end up being skinny and sickly like they are carrying the same disease

This is what I am talking about. Fish that are carrying the disease are doing so in a way you can not tell when you look at them and they are immune to it. However when they come into contact with others who have not been exposed and therefore have no immunity then they catch it.

Fish HIV?

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Have you checked all your water parameters are good? It can sometimes be that levels have gone up in the tank slowly. The original fish adjusted slowly so are fine with it but introduce new fish and the toxicity kills them.

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I did check nitrates just recently because of what was happening, which was very low but in general I don't check water parameters as I do daily water changes on fry and 50% every 2 to 3 days on adults.

My guppies get nearly the same care that I give my discus which is daily changes and therefore I don't see the need to check regularly for water problems.

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I understand what you were getting at Caryl and know that the waste levels can affect the fish being introduced but in general these fish aren't going down fast,its quite slow.They tend to waste away over a number of months,I have a blue diamond guppy that I had isolated for 2 months with no improvements.When I decided to treat them for nematodes as alot of them were looking sick I threw him back in with the rest and treated him too.No improvements at all.The only time I lost the guppies overnight was when I first introduced the moscow blue which is where I am basicly pointing the blame at.This was an imported guppy.

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well I just had another fry die on me., just when I thought I had the all clear. All the fry are in the Q tank thank goodenss but I'm now thinking I might need to euthanise the remainign 9 and disnfect the tank.

Whats the best thing to disnfect the tank? plain bleach? - will it eat the rubber heater holders and the impeller material ? (not sure what that is amde of but it feels rubbery)

Plain bleach is one of the best household disinfectants you can use. A 1:20 solution (approximately one part bleach to 20 parts water) is effective with a 15 minute contact time is best for areas with organic matter although if you clean the equipment well with hot water and a sponge you can just apply the bleach for 3 minutes and rinse it off. In those concentrations it is safe for just about everything in the tank including heaters, plants, ornaments, etc. Be sure to soak all other utensils (nets, etc.) in the bleach solution too. Rinse well for a couple of minutes and then soak in clean water for a half hour and everything will be good to go again.

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thanks Jenniferh. I have done the disinfection and rinsing and am now running plain water through the tank for a couple of hours and then will drain that , let it air dry just to make extra sure.

Then I'll start again , looks like my platy will be having fry in a few days so I'll have something to cycle the tank with again. (I'll only add a couple at a time)

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