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Mortar and Pestle - Recommendations needed


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K, I'm tired of crushing aquarium med pills that are big enough for a horse with a teaspoon and bowl or sweeping up bits when I get bored and try using a hammer. Does anyone have or recommend a good mortar and pestle which I can easily wash and remove any remnants of meds?

Stone - Tough as nails and will hardly wear down and never break - but would I get cross contamination? Expensive.

Ceramic/Earthware - Easily cleaned, but are they strong enough? I can easily imagine breaking something like this. Cheapest alternative.

Marble - Seems like the right choice to me as it's tough and smooth. Pricey.

Wood - Well, if I can carve it, it probably won't stand the test of time. I assume it wouldn't prevent cross contamination any better than stone.

So what do you all recommend or have sitting on your shelf at home? I'm not an herbalist or gourmet chef, so it doesn't have to look good as long as it does the part.

...and of course, where to get it :)

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you can get the marble one's at the warehouse for about $12 i had one untill i recived another larger one as a gift at xmas time

they work well i used mine to crush the ph down till i stoped using it

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Buy the "marble" it's not really marble. They are cheap as chips, last forever and are non-porous. But they are not very good for grinding, they are too slippery. You have to use them to crush. That's ok for pills, but lousy for a decent curry!

Hmm, mine's not very slippery. Works well enough for turning flake into dust for fish fry anyway.

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Ahh the thinks we get up to with our mortars and pestles..

I use mine to crush chicken pellets to feed to little 'peeps' :D

Obviously they need to start selling these at pet stores!!!

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