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Hi from Ketan


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Hey all,

I have recently joined this forum and I can see it's an awesome place to get info for a newbie like me.

I have kept a few gold fish for a number of years and just recently I have changed to a tropical tank because I really really wanted a Betta.

I have a 200L tank which was bought in Jan and now is home to:

20 tettras (10 neons 10 mooneyes)

2 dwarf Gourami

2 Pearl Gourami

1 male betta

2 clown loaches

and 2 red spot Plecos.

So far all fish are doing very well :D

Photos will be up soon :wink:

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Hi and welcome Ketan. Je suis Caryl 8)

I am curious to know what mooneyes are and looking forward to pics.

I may have the name wrong :oops:

they are silver with a black dorsal fin and light from above reflects with a blue crescent shape under their eyes.

Hopefully you know what fish I'm talking about.

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Wonder if it is a lampeye or Norman's lampeye. Aplocheilichthys normani. It is a killifish.

http://www.fishbase.org/Photos/Thumbnai ... fm?ID=2462

Hey, I took a photo this morning, but because of flash/lighting you can't see the blue crescent under their eyes.

If you could help me name this fish it would be much appreciated because I seem to have moon eyes stuck in my head and can't remember what they are really named! :roll: I'm pretty certian that they are a Tetra though.



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  • 4 weeks later...

hey all, I recall that when I first signed up and said hi, I said I would post pics soon. Well soon didn't happen but I took a couple of pics of my tank lastnight.

Here is the tank


and here are my two Pearl Gourami's Bert and Ernie


Tried to take pictures of Neo, my Betta, but he wouldn't sit still long enough for the camera to focus. :roll:

Then I put my finger against the glass and he just stared at it but I couldn't take a pic without shaking the camera!!! :-? :cry:

Chur chur 8)

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