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Help - Sick goldfish!!


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OK, this is not for me, there is someone on the trademe forums that is desperate to help their big goldfish. He has gone nose-to-bottom, is gulping more than usual and is bobbing tail up, not interested in food (even bloodworms). The other two fish in the tank seem fine.

The person has checked the scales, and they aren't sticking out, so probably more likely to be a swim bladder problem than dropsy. They really want to save this fish and aren't sure what to do.

Can anyone help?

PS. I directed them here, but when they tried to register they mucked up the code box thingy, so got blocked out from registering, hence me starting the thread

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I had a problem with one of mine resting on the bottom and always going on its side.

I seperated him into a half full bucket of clean water with a gentle airstone and put a couple of teaspoons of epsom salt (bought from any supermarkets)... After about a day he was back to normal and swimming with no trouble (I suspected he had constipation)

I find that small volumes of water help the fish get the treatment instantly and effectively. Also, if it recovers, avoid feeding it goldfish sinking pellets, go for flake etc.

Hope this helps.

Goodluck :D

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Coldwater fish I don't know much about but I find swim bladder can be helped if less is given and the fish is given some assistance to stay upright for a bit, however this is going to depend on the size of the fish.

I put mine in a hatchery or whatever in the tank and cut right back on the food for a week or so and mostly they are fine.

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