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Hi peeps I'm going on holiday for the first time since I got my fish tank and was wondering how do I go about feeding my fish for the 8 days I will be away.

Its a fresh water tank if that makes a differance thanks.

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If you don't have anyone you can trust (and know what they are doing) you can probably get away without feeding them. Possibly depends on the type and age of fish. If I have to go away I have to leave my teenage daughter in charge. I measure out the quantity for each tank for each time they need to be fed, label each pack with instructions, put each tanks food in a plastic bag and tape it to the front of each tank. Went away for 6 days at Christmas and left about 120 small packs of food. Fish were fine on return and no stinky smelly tanks.

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Like adodge says,they should be ok.If you want someone to feed them,the pill boxes are a good idea,put the right amount per day into each compartment and the person feeding them wont get it wrong.They are usually marked 7 days.

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Rule number one when going away on holiday...

"DON'T advertise the fact that you are going away for X number of days"

We have had cases on here of people leaving their homes for just an hour or so.. and returning to find their fish stocks cleaned out.

Have a good break.. and take care.


If your tank is well established with a good growth of plant and algae... then the fish will be fine for a week or ten days without food.

Just don't make the mistake of pouring in heaps of food just prior to you leaving... it will get left and polute your tank.


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I agree with everything stated. If you must have someone feed them, divide the food into pill containers ($2 Shop) and hide the rest or don't feed them at all if the tank is well established, fully planted and not overstocked.

We regualrly go away up to 10 days at a time and don't feed the fish.

Do not be tempted to feed them extra the night before either!! Make sure the filter is clean and running well. Do a water change a couple of days before then off you go.

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And don't leave the food on top of the tank where it can get knocked into the tank.

I had to clean up a tank that had been polluted this way by mice activity, not mine thank goodness, but it was one of the most revolting jobs that I have ever had to do.

Dead fish for several days in a tropical tank don't smell nice, believe me.

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That is where belonging to a club can help as often there is a club member nearby willing to help out. I know I babysat an 8ft tank for a club member while the owners were overseas for a month.

She paid me by supplying an article and pics from the fishy parts of their trip.

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