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New 4ft Tank


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Thought i'd post a couple of pics of my first tank, ive had it running about 6 weeks now and am starting to see some growth. The two amazon swords and stargrass came courtesy of alanmin4304 (thanks ;) ). The tank is a 4ft Rio 300 and currently has 2 3 spot Gouramis, 2 Honey Gouramis (still trying to work out if one of them is female or not), 10 cardinals, 10 neons, 4 Sterbai Corys, 1 Albino Ruby Shark, 6 Black Mollies, 3 Bristlenoses and 4 Tiger Barb fry (floating in the hatchery at the top of the tank). Anyway heres some pics


Tank when first set up


6 Weeks Later


Left Side of Tank


Right Side


3 Spot Gourami, Honey, Albino Ruby Shark and Tetras


Honey, Golden balloon ram


Sterbai Cory

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That's looking good but it is a lot of fish for a new tank. Hope you are keeping an eye on water parameters.

Make sure food gets to the corys and bristlenoses as it will be another couple of months before there is anything for them to graze on.

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I;m not sure what the foreground plants are, I picked them up from Animates. There are 2 varieties of grasses, one is much nicer than the other having a broader flat leaft while the other has a stringy appearance. The other plant next to the grasses is a small shrub but again i don't know the name sorry, also came from animates.I'd love to get Discus, would they a couple be ok in this size tank with the current tankmates. i'll have to keep an eye on the albino ruby shark he's been a bit nippy lately. The background is a juwel fake rock wall background from Redwood Aquatics.

Everyone seems happy in the tank (this isn't the tank I mentioned in another post that had problems, ironically that tank has been running longer). Water parameters in this tank have been good, nil on all nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and a stable pH at around 7.2. Size is 300L. Up until last week it only had the corys, tetras and bristlenoses, and honeys but the purchase of another tank meant the mollies, 3 spot gouramis and ruby shark needed to be rehoused.

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Thanks for all the nice comments :) , its my first attempt at setting up a tank, and im really happy with how quickly the plants are growing. I put down a layer of Daltons aquatic mix and i think thats really helped the growth.

The background is just a flat poster background that was designed to fit the juwel rio 300 tank i think it cost around $15 - $20 from memory. I got it from redwood aquatics and i know they had rolls of backing paper that you could cut to length but not sure if they had the rock wall variety as a 'cut to length' option. They had very very cool structured rock and tree backgrounds which made a great 3D look but the cost was over $100 eek! Also i already had substrate and water in the tank and the 3D structures needed to be siliconed in before putting the substrate in so that option was out the door.

The piece of driftwood came with another tank i bought which had goldfish, tiger barbs and rosy barbs in it. I took the wood out, and transferred it to this tank. About 1 week later i discovered 4 Tiger barb fry swimming around the grass! The tiger barbs in the first tank must have been spawning and some of the eggs must have landed on the piece of driftwood. The fact that they managed to survive not being eaten by 5 or 6 very hungry goldfish and they managed to survive me pulling the wood out, repositioning it several times over and survived hatching in the tank is amazing!

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