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Sending fish question


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Hi there, i have been asked to send some fish to the south island via the courier. My question is, air in the bag or oxygen? Do ppl really use oxygen or just air. I read on here to put your air hose in (frm the pump) and blow up the bag. Is that ok to do or could you use an oxy shell (or part of one) or even oxy weed? And there seems to be a debate on Cardboard v's Polystyrene. I've noted same day or overnight courier NOT 2-3 day, and no feeding the day before, water change the day or two before. Im a bit stuck as to what to do with the air part and my eyes feel like :o from searching / reading. THANKYOU THANKYOU

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Either for oxygen, I use a polybox or a cardboard box lined with polystyrene, the first is the easier to do as unless you have the right sized poly you have to muck around with the cutting of it to get a firm fit.

Seal the bags super well, I band mine and then tape them down so no air can leak out. Tropicals make sure you include a heat pack, the Sth Islands getting cold at this time of the year. Label your box which way up you want it and label that its live fish. Its easier if you can deliver to the depot rather than have them pick up as the later in the day the better.

Good luck - you shouldn't have a problem.

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What size are the fish you are transporting? Fish over 5cm I would put 1 to a bag and double bag it as well. Make sure you have a quarter water to 3 quarters air. Polystyrene gives extra protection against the box being crushed (do not expect couriers to read the "Fragile" label) and keeps the heat in.

Transport overnight as it is safer. How far south is it going? It isn't that cold yet in Marlborough. Packing with newspaper will insulate well.

Do not feed the fish for 2 days before transport. This stops them producing so much waste and helps keep the toxicity down.

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