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April meeting of Christchurch Totally Tanked


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Umm i am not sure. You could bring something like bread or a drink or maybe a small something for a dessert?

At the moment i am more worried about having enough light for a barbecue!!

I am sure we shall all be fine though! will be too busy chatting!

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Wow not a bad count Evil! Closest so far!

I am never sure how many people are going to turn up to a meeting. There can be last minute cancelations or people who come along but never mentioned attending.

As a rough indication i have had 6 forum members who intend to come along today.

Small change in plans/location. Because it is wet and cold and Blah outside i should not be sitting here typing this i should be running around frantically tidying up the house so that we have space for everyone inside!

Everything shall be as normal except we shall stay inside!

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Awww.... I can't believe I spent so much time looking forward to this and then I forgot all about it! I'm soooo close too, just around the corner from The Corner Bar. Hopefully I will be able to make it next time, but I'm sad that I missed meeting you all

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