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fish food or cat food


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I have recently heard a story where a guy buys cat food biscuts, grinds them up and uses it as fish food. The guy is saying that the tradional fish food and cat food biscuts are made of the same stuff.

Can anyone confirm this story as true?

Regards Chris

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One of my cats will do almost anything for food, every time i feed my fish shes there and always gets in the way somehow, once she knocked over a large container of flake onto carpet which wasnt too entertaining to clean up.

She also sits ontop of one of my tanks when im at work, however the other day when i was doing some in tank gardening she jumped up onto the edge and stuck her paw out to walk along the lid (which was absent) she got as far as putting a leg in before scrambling off i only wish i had a video camera on me

no fish were harmed they were also laughing at the cat :)

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It sure smells a lot like cat food. And my cats think so too, especially my big black & white boy, he looooves the stuff especially Wardleys Shrimp Pellets. He knows when I'm feeding the fish, he knows the sound of them moving in the little plastic container and comes running and demands that I feed him some too. My girls aren't overly fussed on them, but our new addition, another boy (which I have been meaning to post a pic of!) managed to find a stray pellet the other day, so now he keeps sniffing the floor around the tank scrounging for more.. so I take it that he's into them too.

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