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Where to get tanks


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I can certainly read but sometimes an alternative suggestion may offer other possiblilities not previously considered.

Yes there is a club in Nelson. The Tasman Aquarium Club. PM or email AMAZONIAN for details as he is President. They are newly formed and going well.

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Try www.petmart.co.nz they're in Richmond. I came across them on trademe when I was looking at buying my tank. Their prices for the smaller tanks were very good. Can't vouch for their bigger tanks but they look pretty cheap to me. It's good to shop around though. I found in chch the shop prices varied by almost $50 on the same ar380 tank! (on a small tank that's a big difference!) Also found that prices from online shops tended to be cheaper too.

Happy shopping.!

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As far as I know Jebo and Aqua One filters work the same way and are very similar in looks. I love my Jebos and have heard good things about the Aqua One as well.

I know it is personal preference, but why would you want to use blue gravel in a tank? To my way of thinking it isn't natural and detracts from the fish and plants which should be the main feature. Dark gravel is best as the fish are more comfortable and show up their colours a lot more. I can't help you with your bulk question sorry.

Do you really want a tank that comes with stand? Have you thought of making your own stand, or using existing furniture? This can be a lot cheaper and the money saved can be spent on more fish :wink:

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Question 1. jebo do they have the same filter system as aqua one??

I have kept both.. the Jebo tanks with built in filter system and Aqua One tanks also with the built in filter system... I go with Aqua One hands down.. a step above in quality that's for sure, and I am speaking from experience with keeping the both... I have kept my Aqua One tank, got rid of the two Jebo. However, even with the in built filter systems, I always still run a cannister underneath to, as I like the idea of having two filtration systems running, especially incase the pump on the inbuilt one ever fails, at least I have the external cannister running underneath while I get pump replacement and I always think, ya never can have too much filtration ;):D


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http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 105783.htm

That is the tank that my 3 year old girl has. I like the look of the stones and the background picture but when i think about it those stones will prob be to much color for a bigger tank It has 2 Fantail Goldfish and 2 Danio's I look after it and they just start growing on you and now i want one for myself but BIGGER :lol: but still fell bad for those fish becasue of the tank size and will look at getting a ar620 or 620t for them after i get my big one so that they can have some friends and more room.

Another question. i would like to know if 2 200 watt heaters would be alright for an ar980 tank i will not fry them will i :(

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That is the tank that my 3 year old girl has. I like the look of the stones and the background picture but when i think about it those stones will prob be to much color for a bigger tank It has 2 Fantail Goldfish and 2 Danio's I look after it and they just start growing on you and now i want one for myself but BIGGER :lol: but still fell bad for those fish becasue of the tank size and will look at getting a ar620 or 620t for them after i get my big one so that they can have some friends and more room.

Another question. i would like to know if 2 200 watt heaters would be alright for an ar980 tank i will not fry them will i :(

I got one of those kits, but with a larger tank. I don't use the gravel or plant etc but the filter is great - i have some tiny baby yellow labs in there

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Hey Danz,

AR980 is 215L so you probably want to consider 2 x 150W. If you've already purchased 2 x 200W then that is fine too.

When the tank is at the proper temp, the heater(s) will shut off by themselves (unless they malfunction). So you wont need to worry about frying them :) You can turn the thermostat up or down to get the temp just right, and the heater will keep it normally within 0.2 degrees. You'll find your tank more expensive to run in the winter, and cheaper to run in the summer.

Also, not sure if someone has already told you, but Danios are tropical and goldfish aren't. Danios will live in coldwater but they certainly dont like it very much, and you really want a school of at least 6 etc as they're a schooling fish.

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Danios are a very hardy fish, and will probably be fine in your setup, but being under 20C in the winter isn't a favourite for them. It's not really a drama, just as long as you're aware they are by definition 'tropicals'.

If you have a heated tank (anything between 20C and 30C is fine) then they'd do better in there with a few more friends, but they should be fine with the goldfish, just remember they dont like things getting too cold.

I bought some Danios as feeder fish once that were being kept in cold.

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