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White Cloud Mountain Minnows


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Last year we bought 6 WCMM's. in September i got a container full of Convicts, so the wcmm's got evicted from their tank and put outside in a bathtub. a little while later we were down to 5.

in December i noticed fry in the tub. last month we got given 1 more adult, bringing them back up to 6.

today we emptied the bath and, along with the 6 adults, there were 54 young minnows :D:D:D

they are temporarily in a 3ft tank (looks so cool), till we get the tub scrubbed and de-slimed :roll:

1 of the young has a bent spine, so it is currently residing, with a few guppy fry, in the turtle tank.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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Awesome to hear Tsarmina! I just got some WCMM today, they're living in a paddling pool in the back yard with a bunch of java moss - I'm hoping they'll behave like yours did :D One of mine's got a bent spine too, I considered culling him but couldn't bring myself to do it, after all he'll probably grow up with a great personality right?

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