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Gravel from a beach


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Yes, a good rinse should be all it needs. If you are worried about pathogens in the gravel then you could add a capfull of Budget Bleach to the bucket of gravel and give a good stir. It will need to be rinsed very well afterwards. Once added to the tank and the tank is filled it may take a day for any residual chlorine to disappear.

If you wash the gravel with bleach you won't be able to add it to an existing tank until all the chlorine is gone if you use this method. You'll need to add a chlorine killer or wait a few days for all traces of the chlorine smell to go when stirring the gravel up.

Note: Use budget bleach as it's only sodium hypochlorite. Things like Janola have other chemicals in them that may not gas-off like the chlorine does from hypochlorite.

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Another tip for the bleach use - putting whatever you have washed into the sun after you have rinsed out the bleach and leaving it to dry also aids getting rid of any chemicals.

I wash out absolutely everything I use by this method including all my tanks and containers, filters and sponges and have had no trouble at all.

Was a bit worried about admitting I used bleach but I'm not the only one obviously.

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