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Betta genetics


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Does anyone know about the double tail gene that some fighters carry but don't actually have versus those that show the double tail. I have some very nice young 1/2 Cambos at the moment - their father was a single tail with the double tail gene and wondered if I crossed them with a full cambo showing the d/t what are my chances of getting d/ts.

Also have a very very light blue cambo male and a nearly translucent male as well. Have some young females with nearly translucent fins as well, do you think if I paired these this would continue? Their bodies are a very very pale pink.

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that is how ur supposed to breed DTs. breeding DT with a single tail carrying DT gene because breeding 2 DTs together will get mostly deformity although i had success in the past with one of my lines breeding DTs together.

when breeding a DTM with a single tail female carrying the DT gene u will get about 50/50

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I have a red male with half black cellophane fins (sorta butterfly) if you would like a loan to get some stronger genes. I have breed one lot off him with a DT female, but with lots of deformities as explained in an earlier post. The other way I got a DT was through pure luck, I was breeding two veiltails and got him as a "genetic retard" We have kept him and he is shaping up to be an awesome fish.

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