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First Fatality


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We bought 10 cardinal tetras on Sunday and found one dead yesterday morning. :cry: We have been testing the water regularly and the levels were okay so that's why we got the new fish. Our 2 GBAs are fine and so far (fingers crossed) the remaining tetras are looking okay.

Is it just bad luck and something we should get used to, or should we be looking for a cause?

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If your ammonia is 0, and its just one fish, I'd point to bad luck and fish stress (cardinals are wild caught).

Unfortunately it can be just a part of the hobby at times. Saving the fish is often more expensive than replacement, however normally you get enough warning to visit the pet store or vet if needed to save your little buddies.

Sorry for your loss. I just had to put down a Dwarf Gourami with dropsy :(

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The tank has only been going 4 weeks but the water tests have all been okay so we were given the go ahead to add more fish.

I have noticed some sort of algae like thin cob web strands starting to float from the plants. Should I be concerned? The GBAs don't seem to eat it, so I remove it manually.

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If it was more than one and they started popping off gradually I would be concerned, however, since it is a one off, I wouldn't be overly concerned, there was possibly something wrong with the fish.. maybe internally, maybe the stress of all the changes it has had... just keep an eye on the rest :D

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So far so good! All the other tetras (including replacement) seem to be doing okay and are starting to get a little more daring. Initally they spent most of the time darting around the back of the plants but now they come out the front when we sit and wait patiently.

I had to be extra careful when cleaning out the tank as they lurked around the syphon with no fear at all. I had visions of them disappearing up the tube. :( Then they had a ball swimming through the fresh water as it was poured in.

It's so great to be able to share these funny little moments with fellow fish keepers. My work colleagues don't seem to share my enthusiasm :oops:

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Don't worry each to their own, my work colleagues think I am nuts cos I love my cats and my fish. They just don't get it, so don't worry about them.

good luck with your tetras, they are a beautiful coloured fish. I have found that cardinal tetras tend to last longer than neons (good job really considering they cost a bit more)

I did manage to gravel siphon a black phantom tetra once, didn't realise he was there, he didn't make it up the tube into the bucket, just got pelted with the flying gravel. I felt so bad for him, but he made it and still lives today :D . I think they like the siphon hose cos they can see stuff they think is food floating upwards.

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