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Would a betta be ok in my tank?


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Just wondering if a betta splenden (siamese fighter) would be suitable for my tank.

The tank is about 85litres, 2 foot long.

Tankmates are 4 bristlenoses (little baby ones), 6 neons, 1 baby whiptail & a hoplo catfish.

Some sites I've looked at say the bettas are quite aggressive so that tankmates should be carefully chosen, but I thought they were only aggressive towards other bettas?

Thanks in advance for any advice

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Why's that?

I love bottom dwellers. Catfish are my absolute favourites. :(

these guys may be babies now, but they do get bigger.

BN's get 4-5inches, whiptails 6-7. i have read that the minimum recommended size tank for a hoplo is 250L.

just be prepared that you may need to move them from this tank in the future as space / territory becomes an issue.

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I agree with Tsarmina re catfish.

I had a betta that had various tankmates including Angels, Moonlight gourami, dwarf gourami, Kribensis; along with cardinal tetras and harlequins. The only fish the betta got on with were the small tetras and the harlequins. He flared and provoked/attacked all the others.

Eventually I got sick of him being grumpy, sulking or agressive! :evil:

Just my experience. He was Beautiful!


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Bettas are very peaceful and beautiful fish - as long as the others leave them alone!

Angels nip at their fins, hence them retaliating as do barbs and often guppies as well. In my experience with them - over 25 years (shows my great age!!!!), as long as the males have room to swim as they like to swoop along the length of the tank and plants to hide in if they are being annoyed they are great community fish.

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My dwarf gourami killed my beatiful betta in a well-planted 215l tank several months ago when i started keeping fish. My posthumous research suggested gouramies and betta are not a safe bet (there are plenty of exceptions that prove the rule! and there are many ways to manage instinctive aggression). I researched before I bought the betta, but allowed myself to swayed by an ill informed staff member at A*******.

Regards, Guy

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