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What are people feeding their Fronts?


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Thanks Frenchy :D

I had read that they shouldn't have anything food wise containing mammal products or beef??? Is this right...

What sort of sinking cichlid sticks did you use?

We are going to be making up our own frozen mix with shrimp and krill etc...

So far mine have Frozen Daphnia, Ocean Plankton, Baby shrimp, Frozen Brineshrimp etc, and soon the frozen mix, but would also love to feed them a sinking pellet food that is suitable...

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Your own mix does sound the best way to do it I'm sure - I have heard that they shouldn't gulp air at the surface - when I feed them about half of the food sinks straight away which they do eat first and then the rest is pushed down into the water by the filter outflow, but my big male always likes to be greedy and eat some at the surface too... Do you think I should stop him?! He's been doing it all his life and it CERTAINLY hasn't stunted his growth! :P

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Hi all

I feed mine a mix of tetra colour bits and spirulina flake

This I first mix in a cup adding some tank water letting sit for a minute so that food sinks when put in tank.

Also feed my Fronts live Daphnia which they love (high in protein)

Great exercise for them also chasing food around the tank

And cichlid tucker chunky frozen same process in cup with some tank water

Feeding them something different at each feed time

Fronts are growing very fast so diet must be okay

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you guys should start offering them cut up prawns and feed by hand,won't take long before they become so tame they will sit in your hand. they only need a couple of bits each.(not every day,maybe twice a week as a treat).

to the guy with the dark front,keep close eye,dark front is not a happy front,could be getting bullied.


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Hi Shell

They seem to go from light to dark and dark to light depending on mood

Quite entertaining

The Alha male in my lot seems light in colour more often than dark

Is this a dominance aggressive change?

They all seem happy chappies getting on well with each other

I also notice this colour change when doing water changers they go from dark to light almost instantly

Quite amazing to watch

Anyone else seen this happen?

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