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Betta babies


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We have some baby bettas and were wondering what the best thing is to feed them etc. We purchased some young ones that are about 6 weeks younger than ours and they are twice the size of ours. We are wondering what we might be doing wrong.

Thanks :hail:

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Hi there,

Most people feed the fry baby brine shrimp and microworms. In the first few days you feed them green water which is infusoria or NO 2 liquid fry food. Frequent water changes will make them grow faster also, but in most batches of fry there will be some smaller and larger ones.

Hope that helps :)

Mel :)

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I found best success in seperating the larger ones out and keeping them all in tanks of about the same size or the larger ones get even larger and the others stay almost dormant. To get good growth you need to actually overfeed them so they have food all the time, remove excess food and do frequent water changes

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I have some month old fry at the moment ranging in size from 1.5cm down. I have just moved them to a much larger tank but oftern if some are still quite small seperate them as the bigger fish will gobble up all the food available before the smaller fry get a chance. I feed green water and no.2 liquid fry for the first week, bbs and microworms from then on and at about 1 month start on crushed flake/pellets (crushed by rolling pin). Just watch with bbs that you don't feed so much they get swim bladder!

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