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need help with starting up!


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Hey there, welcome to your new addiction :P

You can pretty much start with any size tank you like, but if you want to start small then I'm a fan of the all-in-one tanks for beginners. Has the filter, lights etc all sorted for you. Price varies $90-$150 for one around 40L. I've got a Jebo R338 here that I quite like, was on special for $99 + $25 heater and some gravel.

When you first set it up the tank needs to 'cycle'. The neon tetra is often suggested, but as its prone to white spot you often end up with dead fish, so I'd be more inclined to recommend either (not both) platys or swordtails. (Make sure to get healthy fish tho, and only a couple).

Millions of options, so you will need to tell us what you like :)

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lol he'll get used to it. My man hasn't joined in the frenzy, but he likes the fish more, and is more interested since my tank got big and pretty.

Good fish for capturing the interest of partners are clown loaches (though you need a group of them for them to be happy), as they're funny little monsters, and pretty. Mine also liked my bristlenose catfish (also, they clean up the tank, and don't get too big). Siamese fighting fish are hardy, pretty and interesting - a male each tank that allows them is an essential for me (but then i started out in tropicals by keeping bettas/siamese fighters)

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Hi, Ashbo, I've got a tank I thought I'd sell as a full setup, not the prettiest but with an aqua one 2X15w light, eheim 2213, 9 pearl gouramis, bunch of plants and bristlenoses. About 600 wide X 460 tall X 380 deep, so about 100L.

Haven't decided on a price, I was thinking about $250.

Just doing a water change on it now, and thought I'd mention it when I saw this thread.:)

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The bigger the tank the easier it is to look after i will remember that!

ok thanks people... everyones so nice and helpful

the bigger the tank the easy it will be to keep fish alive becuase the water chemistry etc is more stable however you have to change alot more water each week than a little tank. you can usually get a second hand tank pretty cheap. and for the record when 1st starting out dont buy the fish you like, buy a couple of plain ordinary fish and then after a month or so get some really cool fish so that if you make a mistake (it happens to us all when we start out) it wont really matter as much.

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the bigger the tank the easy it will be to keep fish alive becuase the water chemistry etc is more stable however you have to change alot more water each week than a little tank. you can usually get a second hand tank pretty cheap. and for the record when 1st starting out dont buy the fish you like, buy a couple of plain ordinary fish and then after a month or so get some really cool fish so that if you make a mistake (it happens to us all when we start out) it wont really matter as much.

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My tank ...I mean my partners tank that I got himfor Xmas...he he... has been going for about a month now. We bought gravel, driftwood and some plants and let them settle in for two weeks, before we bought 2 bristlenose and 2 siamese algae eaters. The Bristlnoses are so busy and have worked very hard 100% of the time, the siamese algae eaters look cool and do their fair share too. They were pretty quiet until I turned the tank temperature up, now they swim around like they did in the shop. We got them from Organism in Chch, very healthy fish.

Did my first water change yesterday and only a bit of water on me and the floor...towels are a good idea i think! Fishies all looking happy and content and most importantly...alive! Yay!

I'd like to get clown loaches next, although I can't remember what they look like, but everyone seems to think they are cool.

Our house is small too, but the tank makes it look so homely!

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Fievels007 don't get clown loaches yet, your tank is still too new. Also make sure your bristlenoses and Siamese algae eaters have food to eat as there will be little for them in a tank only one month old. I suspect the BNs are so busy as they are desperate for food! Feed them bottom dweller pellets and cucumber.

What size is your tank? Clown loaches need a big one as they grow very large.

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