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Keyhole Cichlids


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They are pretty laid back, you will often notice them changing colour with moods or when frightened, my guy is a little sulky at times, but cruises around the tank peering around everywhere and he loves to shuffle little pebbles along with his nose, very nice little fish :D

I have mine in with Geophagus and other South Americans.. :D

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I was thinking of getting a pair for a community tank i'm wanting to set up in the next month or so.....

Its a jebo tank and it holds about 230ltrs (i can't remember the model)

Heres my thinking of going in list :lol:

2 keyhole cichlids

Congo Tetras

2 Cockatoo cichlids

2 Gold rams

2 Bandit cory's

2 Serbai Cory's


Maybe mollies or swords??

hmmmm i'm not sure what else :-? any ideas?

I just realised that i really have the dwarf cichlid thing going on coz i have 3 on my list and i have blue rams and kribs i was going to put in there too(don't worry I'm not going to try and make them all fit lol) I was thinking 2 pairs of dwarfs ??????

I usually do planted tanks with lots of driftwood and hidey holes so should end up being similar

But the big question is ..... WILL THIS WORK???

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Hi Timtam,

We just took the congos out of our tank that has keyholes, rams, nannacara & peacocks. Found that when it came to feeing the congos just race around and the other fish missed out. They are much more settled now and the keyholes even laid eggs. Thought we would go with some neons instead. Corys and swords should work out fine.

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just dug up these two, but they arent great. First one is the male from front on, and you can just see the female down the bottom.


This one was a night shot, showing where they sleep, all their black colouring is showing as they have been in the dark, and the flash probably scared them too :) male up top, female below him


these two have layed eggs before, but being in the community/planted, they all got eaten pretty fast.Keyholes are one of my favorite fish ever!

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Hi-I have 4 in with 3 Geo Surimenisis and they all get on well.Came home last night and a pair have dug a nest and laided some eggs.They are now the bossess of the tank defending their nest.

My big geo is 5x their size but she is respecting the Keyholes space.

They are neat fish-also have a school of neons and emerald eye tetras in the same tank.

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