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what are these black marks?


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The comet at work has suddenly developed these black marks and his breathing is laboured. I think he will die but i would like to know what is/was wrong with him. I have treated him with Melafix and quarantined him. I wil be keeping a close eye on the other fish.

The black marks look kinda like the black mould that grows in wet areas. I searhced on the net to no avail and the closest i got was Black smaudge disease wich they didn't supply much info on. Will try to get a pic.

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I'm no expert by any means, but when I was a kid with goldfish I remember that black areas meant lack of oxygen. While you wait for more qualified responses, you might want to try and increase oxygen in the water e.g. air stone/pump

Not saying thats what it is, just something I remembered.

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that could make sense cos the weather and water has been warmer than usual and that means less ozygen in hte tank. Though i would have thought that the other fish would also show some signs of lacking ozxygen.

The fluval filter also aerates the water by blowing bubbles into the water.

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Unfortunately he died last nite :( I buried him this morning but before i did i took some pix of the black marks so they may be identified and i can keep an eye on the other fish plus possibly find out what causes it and how to fix it. I couldn't get a digital camera to take the pics when he was a live, So please do not be offended by the photos of poor dead Fish that are to follow:



The marks hav faded a lil since he died but they are just visible there behind his fin. Is it possible are a result of sickness or another symptom due to something else? We have no idea wat caused his death and would like some idea.

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When I first saw that pic I went 'eww' but really not that bad, I fed our Oscar a dead neon that was missing an eye yesterday, so dont know what I'm ewwing about.

Anyway I'm only putting in my 2 cents becase nobody else has posted, as I haven't kept goldfish for a long time. I'd say for some reason your fish was down, lots of possible causes for that, and some nasty parasite (like gill flukes) has taken advantage. That'd explain the heavy laboured breathing, and the black areas. Thats the only scenario I came up with.

Hopefully some more fish keepers will have more info to help you.

Sorry for your loss

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its a very small comet for an 10 year old, what are u feeding them?

black mark on goldfish is usually caused when a wound is healing [like a scab] or burn from water conditions been too acidic, high nitrate, ammonia or lighting. either way its caused after the fish has been hurt or weakened so its not the cause of its death but the result of something else.

u said it was very thin was that because he stopped feeding or it was thin even when it was eating?

any white patches? split or ragged fins?

sorry for ur lost

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He was living in a tank indoors with 3 other fish. He was approx 15cm from nose to tail tip. They get fed goldfish flakes, the occasional spirulina disc (just cos we got some to use up) and peas as a treat.

When i said he was thin, i just meant thinner than usual. They are quite greedy these fish and yes he was still eating.

Before i worked here the other lady that looked after them used to clean out the tank by taking out most of the water and replacing it entirely with tap water with stress coat, this was for about 5 years but she left 3yrs ago so wouldn't hav thought it was due to that stress. Now they get the usual 20% with the occasional larger water change.

There were no white patches and this morning when i found him his fins were ragged but not previously.

They do put up with alot these fish as they are on display in a public library.

Fishboi (or any1 else for that matter) - How does lighting affect them? They do have a light on top of their tank.

I have been keeping an eye on the other fish (2 comets and a blue fan nymph) which appear to have no probs.

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lighting its not a big prob if its indoor. when fish gets lazy or weak they like to either float or rest at the bottom and when they float they can burn themselfs under strong light.

if he was still eating and getting thin with rapid respiration i would think the same as Caryl and most properly fluke.

keep an eye on the rest of ur fish and see if there is any symptoms of the fish getting pale, fins drooping, heavy and rapid breathing, rubbing itself against decor or subtract or getting abnormally thin.

if they show an combination of the above then they mite have it too so u may need to treat ur tank but treating for fluke is a messy job that discolor the water. [potassium permanganate 2 mg per liter is what i use]

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