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anyone ever had?


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Hi there. Has anyone ever had Giardia in there tank????? I know it a parasite and lives in still moving waters. I caught some small shrimp from a creek not that long ago and have been thinking about it more and more. Maybe I brought in some Giardia with the shrimp :-? Have any of you guys had it in your tanks?

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Interesting thought!

It seemed to be al the rage a while ago, but not a problem I have heard about much recently. I guess it just became default that you don't drink out of streams, you don't think about it now.

Could be an interesting issue for those of us doing native tanks.

For instance two weeks ago I got some redfinned bullies from a stream, brought them home in a bucket of stream water, added that to their quarantine tank, did a water change later on sucking on the siphon tube to start it....

Kinda creepy now I think of it!!!

Not a bug I want to get.

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Off the topic a bit, those siphons are deadly :lol: :lol: when changing the water in one of my oranda ponds I 'over sucked' the siphon and basically choked the rest of the night, surprising I actually survived :oops: :lol: :roll:

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Osh its not fun at all. yer i was moving some tanks around today. And had to put the shrimp in another tank and drain there one. I got a little bit of water in my mouth. SOOOOOOOOOO im going to take a sample of the water from the stream and a sample of the water from the tank that they are now in and send it to the concil and they "aprently" will test it for you.

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Giardia's not nice, but there are worse. Look out for other nasties like drug resistant Salmonella. There have been a number of studies, most recently here in Oz about Salmonella in aquaria. About 10% are contaminated.

Do not drink your fishtank water! I don't even let the syphon tube touch my mouth (I use my closed fist to form a bridge).

Wash your hands after immersing them in the tank.

Clean sinks used to dump tank water or wash bits of your tank with disinfectant/bleach.

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Payless plastics and, probably, other similar stores sell a device for syphoning oil etc. I do not know how to call it. It has a hand pump to start it off, so no need to suck. Apart from safety, it is also much faster, and works every time. Costs 4 dollars or something like that.

I have several. Make water changes much easier.

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