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What Catfish are out there?


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I'm not sure about rare on the world scene - but as far as not commonly seen in NZ that I'm actually keeping at the moment:

Corydoras robinae (Flagtailed cory)

Agamyxis pectinifrons (Spotted talking cat)

Peckoltia brevis (Spotted clown pleco)

Farlowella henrieqi (Alligator twig cat)

Zonancistrus pulchar (Brazilian butterfly pleco)

Chaetostoma cf. thomsoni (Rubber lipped pleco)

Loricaria sp. 'Colombia' (Colombian pleco)

Hoplosternum littorale (Clay hoplo) - anyone got a lone male one they'd part with?

(you'll have to excuse mis-spelt scientific names, haven't got my books with me)

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andyman98 said...

> What rare catfish are out there...

I know someone with tiger shovelnoses, how rare is that? :)

I don't have anything rare these days but have had a regular

shovelnose in the past as well as various uncommon Corydoras

species and Dianema longibarbus. Probably the most unusual

catfish I have at the moment is Corydoras pygmaeus. C. melini

is pretty common these days, aren't they?


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