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and to think you could have come over and taken many frags back for the wellington crew!!!!!

Would have loved to, because of the small numbers of us down here we tend to end up with a lot of the same corals. Unfortuately I didn't have time I was staying in Hamilton and just drove up for the wedding.

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Believe it or not, it even gets warm enough down here to make tank temp an issue (certainly not today thoough).

At the start of the summer I slowly rasied my temps to 27 so any increase would not be as drastic. That said, on hot days the temps get up to around 29.5 with all fans running. It's a 2.5 degree change but lagoons would experience this I would imagine. Nothing seems to be suffering for it anyway. yesterday my 200L evaporated 9L of water in 24 hours in cooling. I have frozen a few bottles of water to prepare for the next hot day and a large fan is in the works.

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Zev wrote:

So is this stuff temperature related? I've got a real good crop all over the sand too.

Dunno if its temp related but very suspicious that it breaks out when the temp goes through the roof (from a relatively constant 26ish degrees). I siphoned all my sand out, gave it a good rinse out and then stuck it back in. Seems to have done the trick - no return of the disgusting red crap since. :bounce: Probably helped getting the temp back to some sense of normality too

Unfortunately I think I got my siphon too close to my heliofungia though. :( A day or two after I siphoned the sand, it started receding and is now dead :( Quite pissed off as it was a really nice one and seemed to be quite happy where it was.

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Yeah maybe but I suspect that it was my carelessness with the siphon tube :oops: The heat obviously wouldn't have helped its cause much if it was a bit stressed. Like you said - Bugger!

I've also lost a couple of branches of a torch coral - that was probably the heat that did that as they have been quite happy and nothing else changed. One branch on the same coral still seems to be happy enough and a second one I've got is going great guns :-?

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Unfortunately I think I got my siphon too close to my heliofungia though. A day or two after I siphoned the sand, it started receding and is now dead

i would say it has nothing to do with your syphoning! but more to do with the red stuff in your tank. i just dropped a feeder starfish into my reef for my harlekin shrimps and it landed onto my heliofungia. i pushed it away from the coral and lots of tips got stuck to it. a day later and its all healed with no sign of damage at all.

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i would say it has nothing to do with your syphoning! but more to do with the red stuff in your tank

You trying to make me feel better Cookie? :D The red algae didn't actually get onto the helio but it did pretty much surround it. Guess thats why I got so close with the siphon (25mm dia plastic tubing with a sucker on the outlet end - me :D )

Guess it doesn't really matter how or why - its dead! :cry::cry:

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29.9 is the highest my temp has been i have turned the heater down to 22 which seems at this stage to be keeping it around 27 im going to set up a computor fan or two but was wonderin how you hook these up to the mains.


Make sure they are 230v ones first, and don't let it fall into the tank.

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As far as bang for the buck and trouble if you just want to throw a fan over it don't bother with computer fans. They're not that powerful. You can get cheap deskfans that plug straight into 230v and have FAR more power for similar cost.

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