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Ahhh Hot fish tank!!!!!!!


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Don't disagree here..

Definately would go with the fan option, would never consider any other way if I had a problem with overheated tank due to weather..

It's good to know for future reference :D

And thanks to you Ozzie blokes for the info 8)

And yes that includes you to Frenchy, you transformer! :lol: :D

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I am a kiwi. So I can post what I like about us :lol: I still support the kiwis over aussie, don't you worry about that lol.

Its more in reference to how our{nz} socialist government bends over backward for the minority all the time. It was said in jest not anger :lol:

haha oh no, this is a major personality conflict.

hmmm, better not lol.

The topic getting heated, it's in the right thread. :lol:

On that note, off to work. Hot one today, fans on. Have a good day all.

Frenchy :D

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Thanks Robert, good stuff. As an aside, anyone been watching that programme on the weather on Monday nights? I've seen it before but still really interesting. I am currently keeping an eye on the weather cam at Scott Base as I have a friend down that way at present. Apart from a few days, their weather has been better than ours!


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The clear outcome is that fans are the answer to the original problem, and to tanks equal to and greater than 60L.

Sorry, just read the last page as its been so hot here in Hastings for the last 2 days. Does this mean the fan I have currently blowing over my 35 litre tank is not doing anything?

Came home yesterday and the temp was 29, dropped to 26 overnight and is still at 26 now (i took the light and glass lids off and replaced them with netting and have pointed a big fan at it)

30 degrees outside in the shade now *sweats*

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My tank is built into a wall unit so is covered on all sides, except the front. This means the water temperature changes very slowly in relation to the room temperature. Because of the in-builtness (good word eh?) it is difficult to aim a fan over the water surface so, on the rare occasion our tank temp has risen too far (we manage to keep the room from getting over 30C even if we can only turn on the ceiling fan when the budgie is in his cage) we have added frozen 3L bottles and found this worked well enough for what we wanted.

If any of you feel you are getting overheated as a result of this thread, I suggest, on the count of 3, you all turn your fans on full :lol:




Ahhhh 8)

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Mystic I agree we do need more people like Frenchy

OMG I cant believe I just said that

But seriously Mystic what you posted in this topic simply will not work

All we have done to try and correct your mistakes with the problem you cant see why your wrong

If we hadnt of posted why we think the fan is better everyone who reads this thread would think the best idea was ice

Public forums are a way to work through problems and find the best solution

I dont mean to be picking on you but you just dont know when to admit your beat

Alot of the problems fish keepers deal with I deal with every single day in the shop

I pride myself on trying to find the best solution for every customer so sometimes I have literally done hours of research

I just want to know how the ice works in your tanks?


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Ice has it's place, Mystic isn't wrong when it comes to it has a use. How practicable it is, well thats been explain a bit.

There are more than 2 ways to skin a cat. This hobby is about what works for one, may not work for another.

Caryl with an in built tank is a good example. People who have a small 40litre tank....ice will work.

Some people missed the point at the start. Ice & water changes weren't working for the person who started the thread. Therefore the answer for fishtv was fans. If people took more time in reading posts, rather than chasing their own agenda, this post wouldn't have gone down the path it did.

Frenchy :D

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