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Transporting Tropical via Automobile


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Hey guys, quick question! What are the chances of transporting tropical fish slowly across the North Island in a car?

We're going on a road trip Mid Feb (So hot temps hopefully) from CHCH across on the ferry up to Aucks.. stopping in Wellington, Palmerston North, Tauranga, Mt Maunganui, Auckland... staying there for the Pet Expo, and then driving it back.

So what are the chances of me being able to go to these Auck LFS's, getting a tropical fish I can't get here in CHCH, and then getting it back to CHCH if I set up a small temp tank and plug it in every place we sleep? Is there a way to make a sealed up tank that travels well that I can just plug in every stop? And how would I make it?

I only ask because there are fish I can easily get in Aucks that I can't easily get in CHCH.. and while I'm there.. :roll: :lol:

Only problem will be getting the missus to not kill me for carting round fish.. :D :lol:

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Several shops will add oxy for you if you explain why, and at no extra cost.

As for heating in motel rooms, the rooms should be warm enuf without having to worry about that,

or just leave them in their travelling box with a plastic bottle of hot water,

and separated from the fish bags by a news paper.

The easiest way to do it is to just arrange for someone to pick them up for you and set them up.

Why don't you buy your fish then bag and box them and send them down to Chch ahead of you.

All care taken but no responsibility

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I agree. Best to send them down to someone else in ChCh. If you send Mon-Wed they'll arrive the next day. Make sure plecs etc are multiple bagged as they can piece the bag. I bought clown loaches yesterday and got home to find they'd pierced the bag and it was leaking.

Or just take the name and have your lfs order them in for you, the only thing that really varies city to city is the stocked fish, most places have access to the same suppliers.

If you want to get DIY then I'd recommend a battery backup air pump and a chilli bin. You'd have a portable fish tank, and at nights you could plug in a little 50W heater or something.

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For sharp-finned fish, and big'uns, To save you the grief of a no water fish at the arrival point, get a plastic bag, line it with several layers of news paper, insert another plastic bag inside the envelope of newspaper, add water, then fish, pressurize, tie the last bag, then the outer bag.

This way the pressure is kept intact if/when the inner is pierced.

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The person I have looking after all the animals doesn't really know anything about fish, except to feed them exactly what I have ziplock bagged and/or to follow the list on a daily basis (eg. defrost one prawn, cut into three, put on string, feed to puffer one piece each). She's learned how to do that, but doesn't know anything other than feeding portions I will leave.

If I set up a tank or two, and then just said float the bag and then release, I guess that would work, as long as I bag extra bags of all kinds of different fish food and say "feed one bag of A and B per day". :-?

As far as the LFS, I've spoken to them. and they say they only do 3-4 large orders and it depends on their stocklist at the time. So they can order in March, and if the stock list in April has something you want, they can't get it, because the next order is (for example) in June and it may not be on the stock list that month. And they're the LFS that gets in all the fish that I really want. So that's why I was looking at just bringing them down with me.

So the consensus is that shipping is easier than driving?

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So the consensus is that shipping is easier than driving?


And you dont have the stress of worrying about your poor fishies while you're on a road trip! You can just stick some instructions on the bag, like a letter to your friend of instructions :)

Using a poly-box is the best way, you can often get these for free at pet stores as all their stock arrives in them.

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Yes Mystic, they're having the stand again this year, so me and Rosie and 2-3 male rats are going to road trip it up and make a holiday of it. :lol: We were asked to help run the stall, and thought, Why not! We've never been to the Pet Expo, and thought it would be intersting. Just I can't imagine going to the pet shops, seeing a fish I want, and not being able to bring it home with me. :lol: Greedy Jaydee....

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We have bought fish while travelling and kept them in a Click Clack plastic container as they don't leak. We filled a 3L bottle with water from the place of purchase and when we stopped for nights we would do a partial water change and run an airhose in the container overnight. Travelled 4 days like this and fish survived well (can't remember what species). heating wasn't required as car and motels were warm enough.

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I guess there are a few options to look at. Never thought of a Click Clack container. :) I've moved fish before, but it was all throughout one days drive, so it wasn't a huge problem.. and then they went into their normal setup. I may look at both options, incase I only set up 2 tanks and find only one species can go per tank and I decide to buy up half the shop. :lol:

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I would of thought Icecream containers for each fish and a big chillybin to put all the containers in them should be fine

Just take along an air pump with you with a lot of lines for it.

Heating - turn up the thermostats at the hotel / motel :lol:

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Sorry, I wouldn't have a clue! :lol: Shame... :o

I'm just going to help run the Ratclub stand (geeky, I know). :lol:

I don't even know my way around Auck, we're carpooling from the Holiday House that we've rented... and during our free time, I'll be forcing native Aucklanders to go to the LFS's with me! I'm a cruel woman... :wink:

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Good point Mystic.. :lol:

I usually get digs though, because not many people even know there *is* a NZ Rat Club, not to mention I'll be one of the strange freakish people that's going to be manning the stall with a couple of rodents hanging from my clothing and/or hair. :P

I always like taking people into the garage, where I have the avairy's full of rats, and the larger tank. 8)

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