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hows it going everyone, been meaning to get on here for a while however been too lazy and my wife does enough talking for the both of us. Plus trying to get to log on when shes on at the same time is pretty weird. I like cichlids, love catfish (probably my favorite), and we keep alot of african cichlids, lots of tanks too..... By the way Afrikan (the big mouth) is my better half. :o:o:o :lol:

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Hmm No... but now you mention it... it never had crossed my mind... I can't answer that till I compare the two :lol:

Hmmm I will have to take the test... I have a Geo with big enough lips so I shall have to compare, I am worried however, if the Geo ends up being a better kisser... I might have to get a divorce, it would seem I had then have married the wrong creature 8) :D

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