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Do you really need co2

Aquarium Dude

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CO2 just makes things grow faster. Despite faster results the other advantage to plants growing faster is that they use all their fertiliser resources before algae does, so the tank is more tolerant and less likely to go crazy with algae growth. It will also allow the plants to make better use of the light they're given.

In a well lit, well fertilised tank, the difference between CO2 and no CO2 is huge. Another alternative is to use Flourish Excel, a carbon supplement, which provides an alternative way for the plants to get carbon.

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I agree with the others. My tank didn't have CO2 or ferts and the plants grew just dandy. The biggest asset with my tank was the halide; it made all the difference to the plant growth. I would recommend sorting out decent lighting before splashing out on a CO2 unit or fertilisers.

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YES! tehehe just kidding. I totaly agree with the others, you dont NEED co2 to have a nice planted tank, but you will have a harder time with algae, and plants wont grow fast and in a very good shape/condition, and plants may not be as green or colourful as they would with co2. I have a 250L planted tank, which has ground ferts and sand as substrate, and only has 2 36W t8 tubes.No co2 This tank can grow a hell of a lot of things. I have stargrass, rotala macranda and rotala walichii, leapord sword, amazon sword, marbled sword, tiger lotus (both of the latter constantly sending out babys) a hairgrass lawn, tennelus and probably others that i ahve forgotten. I get outstanding growth, with the tiger lotus sending out a new leaf every two days! I am getting another two tubes, and am getting a pressurized co2 system soon, only because i want faster and better plant growth, and want to get the plants pumping to out compete the bl00dy algae!!!


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It also depends what plants yiou have.

yep i agree, really depends on the types of plants. most plants will do very well just under good lighting so if ur tossing up between MH or CO2 system then i would go for MH.

plants like pennywort/moneywort, cabomba, Ambulia, tape grass, water sprite..........these more common plants u see in LFS grow like weed anyway under most conditions.

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this is what happened with my tank

no co2 - planted didnt really grow

home made yeast co2 - plants grew pretty good

now pressurized co2 - plants grow like weeds

but i say its all about balance between amount of fish, lighting, co2 and ferts..

just start with no co2 and see how you go, its all about see what works for you

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Plants need CO2 to grow. You can get it from a cylinder, yeast and sugar, added fertilizers or from fish. My plants are doing well with only the fish. I have red special and ozelot with two runners each and martii on its 3rd runner. Lighting is flouro( twin 3 footers on a four ft tank going 17 hours/day).

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