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Starlight Bristlenose - A. Punctatus L182 Spawn


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hi guys, sorry to ask this here but...

we got a fish that looks like this but it came in as a Ancistrus tamboensis is there diferent types of fish that look like this? i mean like excatly like this?

btw our one is abot 15cm long and is male

once again for stealing you thred

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Sounds like you got a Starlight on your hands. The other species is a L183 which has white seams on the fins. Starlights are reported to grow up to 12" but normally only get to 8" (20cm) in captivity. If he came in as a tamboenesis there shouldn't be white speckles over the body, just a very pronounced hexagonal marking that would look different to a normal Ancistrus Sp. (Common Bristlenose). I never saw the value in a $200 fish that looked just like a common, really.

Pictures of your shop fish would help in proper identification.

Thanks to a helpful forum member there's a little touch up to my photos. Here they are for your review -



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Just a quick update - fry have left the cave and are now cruising the tank looking for food. They haven't touched the plecochips and I'm hesitant about adding more BBS as it means water changes, which can be deadly to young Ancistrus, so I'm trying to give them some nice fresh courgette, which they seem to be interested in :)

The obvious question is, how many are there? I'd venture to say about 40 made it (including the ones I saved) thus far, and though I haven't seen any dead young, I'm sure some have passed along the way. I lost a handful of GBAs yesterday after an uneventful water change, so I'm sure something was off, just don't know how it affected the young L182s in the next tank over.

Here's a quick snap I just took. Please note that this is a separate and much smaller cave than previously shown when they were staying with poppa.


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Update - free swimming day 10

Fry are approaching 1cm (incl tail) and growing quickly. Diet includes courgette, pleco chips and sparse feedings of BBS. Twice weekly water changes with aged and temperature matched water to avoid shock casualties. Remarkable ability to change colour from almost white to dark, as can be seen in the picture where two have been sitting on the red leaf for a little while and have some light markings, while the other just joined from a dark sponge filter. Enjoy!


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Yes, but please don't get confused with these being L183 (a starlight with white seams)

no, i asked cuz i've read they have white seams when young and grow out of it but have never seen photo evident or had it confirmed by a breeder.

interesting to see how long the seam stays and how their pattern change with age.

keep these pics coming :bounce:

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Update - Free Swimming Day 15

Fry are approcahing 1cm already and patterns have changed to more of a camouflage. Had quite a few die off for the regular reasons - sensitivity to ammonia and sensitivity to water changes. I keep on telling myself "survival of the fittest" but pretty depressing anyways.

Here's a couple pics of the fry today. Sorry for any bluriness, but the patterns on the fry seem to give the camera issues with focusing :-?


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Update - Free Swimming Day 20

No more losses now that all the remaining fry understand what food is and that you need to eat it to survive :) I'm going to skip the "approaching 1cm" in this update and just say that there's biguns and little uns. Most are an average size but there's a couple that hang out in the back which are quite a bit bigger than the rest.



And a bonus shot of one of the biguns in the back...


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Shop prices range from $100 to $200 for these fellas depending on what they were imported as. Sad to say I probably won't be selling any of this first F1 spawn as they'll become breeding stock - this all depends on the numbers left and sexes, of course.

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