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shark suggestions


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red tailed black sharks are neat but they can be agro.

they dont like the same species and often hassle other fish that have red/orange/yellow on them. they will also eat fish neon/guppy sized when they get bigger apparently. their max size is aroudn 12-15cm. they also have funny mouths so need to eat small fish foods (mine cant eat my large cichlid pellets so has to get given tetra bits). people often have problems with them in comm tanks with fish that wont stand up for themselves. they appreciate a hiding hole, mine spends his day in a fake log.

my RT black shark is in with one oscar, a sev, 3 silver dollars and a pleco. he definatly knows his place and wont dare to get in the way of the O or sev (gave the SD's a bit of a run around till they got larger). i think they make good tankmates for larger fish who they cant bully.

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Rainbow sharks are great. Apparently less agressive than the Red-tailed shark. I have mine in an AR850, about 150 litres which I believe is about the minimum size tank for him and he's doing fine. I have him with tetras, corys and a couple of loaches. The only agression he ever shows is when someone is in his territory. He'll just headbutt the fish till it swims away. Just make sure you have plenty of hiding places for him and other fish that like to hide.

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Dont forget the 'Silver Shark' (which is what I thought this thread was about :oops: ), totally different fish.

Red Tailed Sharks etc dont even look remotely like Sharks, silly name really. I'm not a big fan, love the looks, but their needlessly territorial at times.

If you were thinking of the Silver Shark they like to be kept in groups (dont HAVE to be though), and are friendly but the downside is they grow big, often jump if they get a fright, and need a bit of room.

There is no actual shark available for freshwater. Just nicknames to different types of fish.

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i have a 15 cm red tailed black shark which i keep with neons he used to chase my fish but i used to take him from the water for 5 seconds as a baby and tell him not to do it any more and he got the message and i love him to bits!!! red tailled black sharks can be tamed the way i said and are 100% a must have i adore my one who comes up to my hand aswell when i feed them all. but only keep 1 per tank unless they are extremely young.

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You what.. you put your fish in 5 second time out.. and he learnt from it? :lol: :lol:

yup i know it sounds cruel but he learnt from it and i havnt lost any fish because of him since i just feed him frozen food now. trust me though if your shark gives your other fish agro take him out of the water for 5 seconds and then put him back in he will soon enough learn his lesson.

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