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Old Bath or Trough - ChCh


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Well, I'm looking at getting an old bath or a water trough to set up an outside pond... naturally I would prefer an old cast iron bath with legs but they are uber above my typical price range...

So I was looking at your typical enamal metal ones, which are usually built into a rectanular cabinet..... I have a wee pond fountain I want to put in it and not too worried about fishkeeping at the moment - perhaps daphnea & plants. Would like paradise fish but doubt they could withstand the climate. Perhaps WCMMS.

Anyway, does anyone have any links or photos of bathtub ponds?? Just something to get me started? Also how do you paint them?? Enamel is pretty resistant... and White aint the best colour for a pond.

Any advice, comments, ridicule etc is welcome!

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I have a bathtub available if you want it. Partner says its really heavy though. It's an older steel/enamel one that would need a surround. Some of the later ones I think were pressed stel so not as heavy.

Up to you. No charge. It's been sitting in a paddock since we moved in and we use plastic troughs so don't need it. Send me a message if you're interested.

I'm in chch also. Western edge of the city.

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I used to use one of those old concrete wash tups for my pond fish. It worked well and has a flat bottom so just sits on the ground.

BTW if anyone in Wellington is willing to come pick it up they can have it for free, just PM me, but word of warning it is very heavy takes a couple of people at least to pick it up.

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