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treating hair / thread algae


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I'm using Flourish excel for plant growth between 2 to 4 times the dose because they are heavily planted tanks. But I've found that the algae comes back if I use any ferts with iron (or phosphorus), so I'm just using potassium and generally keeping it all under control.

But I wouldn't expect to see any effect after such a short time because (as I understand it) the Flourish gets rid of the algae by helping the plants to out compete for nutrients and the algae then starves.

I used to get outbreaks after doing a good gravel vacuum when I was using a product with minute amounts of phosphorus (about .03%) because the phosphorus that had settled to the bottom got disturbed and distributed through the water column. As aquatic plants have minimal phosphorus requirements it builds up over time, and it's in the substrate because it's heavier than water. So accordingly it was something that developed after several months.

My main algae cause is because of the fact I want to see my fish in the evening so they get a daylength which is too long. You could try keeping the lights to a minimum to starve the algae of light.

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Double dose of Flourish Excel worked for me, but it took about a week. Did a really good job and it never came back. Careful though others like Antwan had some stressed fish from it. AquariumPharmaceuticals product called Algaefix (i think) does the trick too, but for me it only ever temporarily fixed it with that product.

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