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HOW is everyones frontosa doing................


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their was a kig with the burundis and i think some of the fry got out in nz

I hope that is not the case. How sure were the breeders of what fry came from what? :-? :roll:

Nice link Brad, I used to be a manager there lol. Here is an article on Frontosa's.


The big male Burundi{first pic} was huge, used to be in the 10ft display tank at the front of the shop.{Alan that is the tank with the alligator gar in it, used to be an African Cichlid display tank}

Even the photo showing the juvenile Kigoma's have a tear drop.

The wetpetz website is a good site for those wanting information on anything to do with the freshwater world.

Also nice photos Cameron & Brad.

Frenchy :D

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I finally found the 7 bar tonight, and I realized why I could never find him. All the Fronts like to point ----> in the tank. And guess what? He only has 7 bars on <------ that side. So it was a fluke that I found him.. it took some extra yummy treats to get them all to turn. :lol: So yah.. 6 bars on one side, 7 on the other. I didn't get pics, sorry. Don't have the camera tonight. (Work camera)

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Now that I'm staring at them.. I'm noticing that there are a couple of different colours in there. The 7 bar is the most common colour amongst them. Theres one that's about the average size, but has very light bars, and a very light almost transluscent blue body. The biggest one is hella darker than the rest. :lol: Yah.. I never really stared at them like I did tonight but.. theres a few really distinct ones that never seemed distinct until now. Yay for ultra close observation! :P

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Hey guys I have been researching abit more on Frontosa and came across this article of different types of Frontosa

It talks about different varients and how the Kigoma must have a tear drop on the face and how the Zaire is so blue its nearly purple(without a doubt the best Frontosa I have ever seen was a Zaire)

its a worthwhile read



By the way keep the pics coming guys

Ill try and get some pics of my Burundi in my display tank

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  • 2 weeks later...

The fry should mostly be 6 bars.

Breeding the better looking fish is the better way to go though. {as in the more proper looking}

Be a cool display fish all the same. Get people to count the stripes, then wait to the fronnie turns around & ask them if they were sure. Good way to tease kids. 8)

Frenchy :D

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