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Panaque Changae (L226)


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(Just posted this in the Breeding section but think perhaps members visiting this section are more likely to know about breeding these)

Well Gday there. I have a pair (M/F) of Panaque Changae L226. Arrived safe n sound - cheers Phil. I'm going to have a go at breeding them. They are currently in a 5ft tank filtered with by a large external canister type with peat. There are plants and driftwood but more of each are needed. There are 10 baby apisto cockatoo's in there too. Temp is 26deg but I've just read that 30deg is better. Apparently, many Panaque species are best bred using the 'seasonal' system; warm temp and plenty of food being the usual environment you provide to get them into condition. A couple of weeks before you want them to spawn, reduce their food. Then do a 30% water change, using cold water followed by daily 10-15% cold water changes and increase the food.

It will probably go better without any other tank mates. I should have thought about that before introducing the dwarves - that's gonna be a mission.

This breed must be relatively new. I can find basic info about it but there isn't much in the way of breeding info specific to the Changae. The 'seasonal technique' I mentioned was actually for another panaque species.

Would appreciate any tips on keeping/breeding/rearing L226

Cheers guys

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I have not breed any Panaque, But know a guy that was into fancy pleco's.

He had a copy of a thesis study on breeding many of them.

The guy ( who wrote it ) found them very hard to breed doing only what you have written until ...

He placed a power head directed at the males cave, apparently some species will not leave there cave when getting ready to spawn and need the current to blow food to them this was an important trigger to spawning some of these pleco's.

Don't know if this applies to Panaque Changae L226 but it may be something to keep in mind :wink:

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We have 4 of these guys, looking at breeding them also, however, its going to be one of those challenging projects me thinks :lol: :lol: But it is something I want to aim towards doing, so can only but try and keep fingers crossed (hoping things are done correctly enough for them to do their thing) :lol:

Mekhaela :D

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This breed must be relatively new. I can find basic info about it but there isn't much in the way of breeding info specific to the Changae. The 'seasonal technique' I mentioned was actually for another panaque species.

Would appreciate any tips on keeping/breeding/rearing L226

Cheers guys

no this breed is not new at all, the reason u cant find any info on breeding is because its never been done before.

bit tricky with just 2 so u'll need to make sure they're a true pair. i know they would have been sold to u as a pair but u would be surprised the times they turn out not to be. especially with these as they're pretty hard to sex.

trick with breeding any fish is to give them the environment they would normally live in the wild then put them though the seasons to trigger the spawning.

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/rivert ... 17135.html

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if you were to sex panaque species using hair on the back part of their body it may lead to a wrong conclusion. Males when ready to spawn or are in good condition will grow the hairy back :lol:. They can also shred the hair within a couple of days.

Best way is to sex them is to look at their heads.

Search the web for L104 and you may come up with some spawning accounts. These plecos have been spawned in aussie a few times in the past year. Articles say that they are easyish to spawn BUT the hard part is to get the females to fill up and also to keep the young alive.

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Great info guys.. thanks :D

Cyberfin - I haven't even got around to doing a proper breeding set up for them as yet, someting that is in the pipeline but have had other projects at the moment that have kept us busy enough, Frontosa set up etc and other typical African things lol, however, trying to aim with breeding these plecs is something I would love to do in the near future, aim to try at least :lol: :lol: I have noticed mine are alot different in head shape, 2 having huge chunky heads and the other two having more delicate heads.. not sure if thise is a real difference, hopefully its a start anyway. I mean the right sexes are needed to even attempt huh :lol: I have found they don't care much for the Pleco chips either, they always seem to be coming out of their hidey areas when blood worms and frozen dapnia are giving to others occupying the tank at the moment...

Mekhaela :D

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bit tricky with just 2 so u'll need to make sure they're a true pair. i know they would have been sold to u as a pair but u would be surprised the times they turn out not to be. especially with these as they're pretty hard to sex.Best way is to sex them is to look at their heads

I sooooo nearly made a bid on some Frontosa babies on trade me. What a stunner! If you ever have some young-ins, let me know.

I'll keep you posted with my progress re: L226. Hopefully, I'll be able to relay how I bred them; not how I killed them (Cross all other fingers)

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Cheers for the links. Nice to know someone at least got them to spawn without trying to provide a particular environment. Mind you, it sounds like these are definately NOT bred every day. Just two members on that site. Hopefully, a couple of members of this site will earn bragging rites as successful breeders.

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