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Feelers; Request for a Favour! and post 1000


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Hey guys - I have my new tank, I went and picked it up and now the inhabitants all seem relativly happy in their new temporary home. They are - 1 nemo, one fan-tabulous anemone who opened right after the move, one quite large sailfin tang, one really cool green brittle star and about 5 soft corals. All the softies show polyp extension, one of them didnt but I moved him and now he's fine.

This is my 1000th post, I would like to thank everyone who has created my interest in this often challenging, bizzare and halarious hobby. Its cool that my 1000th post is made on the first time I have ever dealt with livestock. I'm quite up on the theory by now! Its hard to belive I can make 999 posts without actually ever owning a fish or coral before. :lol: I think the people are a very important part, the few people I've met in real life have been really upfront and friendly. "Big ups" in particular to Wasp, Chim, Tm, Pies, Reef, Jetski and Layton :wink: who were particularly influential in my understanding of things. I still plan on owning the best darned coldwater reef tank in NZ, with a pet octopus as the main feature. I have enjoyed posting here, I was really worried about my first post after seeing all the arguments, haha! So if anyone else is in that position throw caution to the wind and just go for it.

Cheers everyone, its been a lark! 8)

Now to the business end of my post - I'm in a dilly of a pickle; I had planned to sell these fish/corals at $1 reserve before I went back to Hawkes Bay for the holidays; I can now get a ride home with my flatmate on Monday, but I obviously have to sort out the fish. Would anyone in Christchurch be able to keep them from monday until they sell on TM(I'll run a 1 week $1 reserve auction)? I realise it would be a bit of a hassel, I can give you some live rock or perhaps we can work out a deal of somekind, it would be much appreciated If I can offload the livestock I wont have to fly home (I'll be sneaking onto the ferry) :D

Thanks guys - just give me a pm or ring me on 03 3511454 and ask for Alastair. I'll try to get some pics for y'all to see.

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. I still plan on owning the best darned coldwater reef tank in NZ, with a pet octopus as the main feature.


sorry cant help u with ur problem.

but just want to say what an unique idea for a tank set up. cant wait to see how that goes. u obviously done a lot of research on it. how would u go about sealing the tank and locking the lids down so the octopus doesn't escape?

if u haven't already u should give kelly telton a call to see what are some of the things to look out for when setting up an octopus tank as i know they have one on display.

the problem they cant get around is they're very strong and can fit though any hole the size of their beak. they only keep the young ones until it gets too strong and then they release and replace it.

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Here are some terrible photos, I literally took 100 pics to get these, the only camera I have access to ATM is my "Trust 350ft Powerc@m" camera. It looks like a disposable, but its digital, and boy does it suck. It was a joke gift from a friend, turns out they were giving away these cameras free at some event in Holland.

I cant use the view finder (it doesnt have an LCD screen) because it doesnt photograph whats visible to you. Instead I have to guess where I'm aiming and take lots and lots of photos hoping to get one. :lol: Needless to say the one of the clown is by far the best photo this thing has ever taken. It really frustrates me, I'm a bit anal when it comes to posting quality photos (only on my behalf I dont mind other peoples) so this is really annoying. :evil:

The anenome loved the reef additive stuff I threw in to the tank, and I've been having some fun killing aptasia with joes juice. I also witnessed the anenome being stung by aptasia, it curled up and bent away from it, aptaisa are pretty tough!



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Just offloaded the livestock, it would have been nice to do a $1 reserve , at $220 for the lot Hazzard got a pretty sweet deal, at least they will be well looked after. :D

I really liked that anemone, from what I've heard of anemones being a pain in the ass that one was sweet, even ate pelleted food(accidentally). Hazzard I think it was a purple tipped anemone, Heteractis crispa.

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I still plan on owning the best darned coldwater reef tank in NZ, with a pet octopus as the main feature

my dad used to have a 6foot nz reef tank with a octopus about 20years ago, but now he has one of my old tanks (about a 60lr) with a leatherjacket, spotie sum small goby kinda thngs shrimp and anemone's kinda cool, the leatherjacket is cool it flashes different colours when its begging for food (espesially if there is food on the table and it can c it).

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