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Pink montipora digitata frags


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I still have some prunings / breakages free to a good home.

More of them than i thought i REALLY HAVE been putting them in the rubbish.

Now the weather is warmer they could probably be freighted to other places via snail mail in a jar or similar, cost of p&p should be around 5 bucks or so.

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I hear you mine is growing out of control. My blue tangs ues it as a house and break of branchs which attach to the rocks and away they go. Had to do sum pruning the other day and got the need it and a bit of rock from the sump. The finished art work looks not to bad. A bit like a heard of mooses frozen in the south pole with there antlers exposed :D

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Where are you in Ak? I'm coming down this weekend on Sunday thru to Tuesday. Be keen to get some if you are not too out of the way. How long would they keep out of the tank? Overnight in a jar and polybox? as my dearly beloved is off for a girls night out on Monday night and I have been left to my own devices for the night.

Anyone in the Howick area have a reef tank that I can have a nosey at? :D



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OK all you guys can have one but I got email also so now I'm cleaned out, none for anyone else.

Give me a call 479-5446, or drop me a pm to set up a time or whatever.

Skippy I think 2 days in a jar would be about the outside end. What you could do though if it has to be longer, is bring a bucket of water, a heater & power head & set up in the hotel room. That way, while your partner is away from you, you are out there visiting people & adding to your frag collection! :lol:

Where am I? North Shore. The address is 9 Ronald Macken Place, Mairangi Bay.

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Hi Wasp

Thanks for the offer but I don't think that I am gonna get there this time. Bit too far out to head for the evening (I'm a country bloke now - more than 10 minutes is a journey! :D )

Unless you are at home on Tuesday or can drop some frags off at Jetskis. Have to swing by him on Tuesday morning on the way home to collect some new MH bulbs.



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Puttputt wrote:

Don't worry Skippy, I'll throw all those frags out I've put aside for you


Don't be silly :o Thats not funny :o:(

I'm coming down next weekend too :D Down Sunday, seminar Mon and Tues and back Tuesday night. Maybe I'll drop in on the way home. Only trouble is it is in Waipuna :o Maybe I should stay down the Tuesday night and come back Wed morning.

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All the frags that are going in the mail have been sent monday morning.

I've done it El Cheapo style in jars without proper heat insulation so it's experimental just to see if it works, so if there are any fatalities please let me know I want to see how effective this method is.

I found a few extra frags for the new guys, so here's instructions. Hard corals need max light & good flow. Xenia needs good light not much flow, but can have a lot of flow if you don't want to see it pump. Candycane low light low flow, leathers medium light medium flow, anything else low light & med / low flow. BTW don't be dissappointed not everybody got all this, just an extra frag or two each.

No need to acclimate any of these, just take out of the jar & put straight into the tank.

To attach hard corals, wedge in a crack, then knead some of that putty stuff taped to the jar, and jam that in to secure the frag in place. the putty stuff will harden in about 15 minutes.

Assuming the stuff got there alive, $5.00 for p&p can be paid to account 12-3087-0055883-02

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