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Melanochromis Johannii


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That's the problem when they don't bring them in with Sci names huh... shame really... as the last lot they did have in as Blue Melos were Johanni, There must be a few of these newbies out there as they are no longer on the lists, so where are they all people so we can have a good squizz at them :lol: :lol:

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without Sci names I meant :roll: :lol:

In regards to Johanni juveniles, I have Johanni young often, they stay yellow to a certain point but the males start turning quite early... females of course staying the shade of yellow. These are still quite small when turning.

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Cheers for that.

Judging by this pic. I would put good money of these not being maingano.


I really like the tank display/set up. The black surrounds make the fish, plants... stand out. Very nice looking shop.

Like the juvenile Tropheus duboisi too. I wish they stayed like that with the dots. Look alot cooler than what they do when they are older.

Frenchy :D

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The reason I say the aren't a maingano is that in the picture, they are different looking to the maingano's that we have here in Aussie. Over here there stripes are much thicker & the front of the head is more rounded.

Hubby been in touch with supplier. The Blue Melos are in fact male Johanni, funny actually because I remember awhile ago now they had Blue and Yellow Melos on the list, listed seperately... Blue Melos being the male Johanni and the Yellow/Golds being the female Johanni...

When this comment was posted, you would have to assume{which I hate to do} that this is what they are. Well thats what they are ordered in as.

That's the problem when they don't bring them in with Sci names
That is a big problem, cichlids should be ordered or bought with scientific names{genus, species & location or variant} Especially with whats available now days. Saves alot of confusion. When shops sell cichlids with fancy names, that can't be found on net or books, you would have to think they are dodgy.

Frenchy :D

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There is alot of that happening off and on.. we hadn't seen the fish in question so when he rang to ask what they had brought in as Blue Melos, he was told Johanni, maybe because that's what they had in as the last lot so they just presumed thats what this lot was....

There is only one supplier that lists scientific names and he also states what they are to be fed, pretty thorough really compared to others.. :D

Mekhaela :D

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I am glad that it is mainly a duonopoly here when it comes to importers. They both use scientific names.

From doing a stint at a place that imported for a while, it isn't an effort to import proper named cichlids either.

I know of one shop here that has its own import room that bought in a new type of cichlid called an "orange peacock". I will try & find the pic. :-? Looks dead set like a reb zeb{pulu point} crossed with an electric yellow.

Found it 8)


Frenchy :D

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