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Hello people

I have 2 platy's, not sure of the sex, one has a fat belly (which Im sure didnt have when I bought it, about a month or so ago) , the other doesnt. Is it possible they maybe starting a family? I maybe barking up the wrong tree completely, but, Ive put them both into a breeding cage/net thing, and will watch and see what happens (if anything). How long should I wait to see if anything is gonna happen?

Im new at all this.... :oops:

mothertrout :D

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hi there mothertrout

may pay to take the non-fat one out of the breeding trap cos when the babies are born it will eat them as they come out.

Generally platies look slightly square, the gracid spot darkens and they look as if they are going to explode just before they give birth. I haven't used a trap myself but have heard that a small bit of weed in the trap helps to make the fish feel a little less stressed from being in there

good luck - sue

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hi guys i keep mine in one for about 2 weeks some time 3 depen on the the fish if it the frist tiem she been in one not to long but guppys will drop each 28 to 30 days depen on the temp of the water and i do not think i will matter how long u can keep them in one ive got some that do not can out of a trap as there r my breeds and i news a 5 way trap so there get room to swim untill there drop hop this help.


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I have always found platys and guppies didn't like breeding traps and so kept them in well planted tanks so the fry had plenty of places to hide in the fine leaves and roots. Ambulia, cabomba and water wisteria are all good, as is Java moss.

Sexing platys is easy. The males have a modified anal fin (the one under the belly) which is long and pointed (called a gonopodium by the way) while the anal fin on the female is rounded. Plus, the females will keep getting pregnant so will be rounder than the males most of the time.

Ideally platys should be kept in a ratio of one male to 2 or 3 females or he will harass the lone female to death.

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