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Everything posted by mothertrout

  1. Hello everyone (Fishies too) I am enquiring if anyone has any web sites they can direct me to ...I am wanting to find names and species of tropical fish?? any help would be greatly appreciated :lol: Cheers mothertrout (Taupo)
  2. Hello room... Does anyone know the life span of a "Golden Gourami"?.. the one I had was about 4 inches long, it just keeled over one day.....pppoofffff cheers mothertrout
  3. mothertrout


    Yes, I have a huge plastic fantastic in my largest tank 8) . It is in with my goldfishies, one even laid eggs in it and hatched too I have even put it through my dishwasher with NO detergent (dont panic), to get rid of the ugly alge......a hot clean wash, it got rid of the grime and was left with a lovely clean plant, I soaked it in clean water afterwards just to make sure all was clean, no deaths either . mothertrout
  4. Hello people I have 2 platy's, not sure of the sex, one has a fat belly (which Im sure didnt have when I bought it, about a month or so ago) , the other doesnt. Is it possible they maybe starting a family? I maybe barking up the wrong tree completely, but, Ive put them both into a breeding cage/net thing, and will watch and see what happens (if anything). How long should I wait to see if anything is gonna happen? Im new at all this.... :oops: mothertrout
  5. Yes Chris I have a digital camera....now what?..lol mothertrout :lol:
  6. lmao@you Caryl.... He gets all ..bla bla....(this is a family room) heeeee Anyway :evil: ..gettin back to the subject...its a 100 litre tank, Im new to the "tropical" range of fish, so, I have alot of reading (on here) to do and learning about what goes with what, before I start just buying this pretty one and that. I have to learn how to care for my fishies and learn all about them. I have angels, a silver shark, siamese fighter(ruby red male), bottom feeders, a lovely shimmering blue fellow (cant remember his name), looks similar to a gourami? I also have a beautiful golden gourami (rather large) all seem to get on just fine, they are so entertaining to watch. Im mesmerised by their beauty and grace Ive just finished sanding and painting the lovely stand and lid my husband made for me, gee, if I could, Id put a pic of it in here to show it off, but, I dont think thats possible (is it)? Anyway, Id better get back and put a second coat on this masterpeice. Cheers for now mothertrout :lol:
  7. I just have to share my exciting news with you guys.....My husband has just bought me "another" tank, Im so excited, I feel like a child at xmas. he is building me a nice stand and top cover and surrounds for it now, as we speak....cant wait to get it all up and running, Im gonna paint it all this afternoon, its gonna look like a million bucks when we're done. So....Im gonna be purchasing more fishies.....yipppeeee
  8. Does anyone know what "Apple Snails' are and their habitate/use in the aqaurium is? Cheers
  9. Hello Alan We now have 2 pet shops in Taupo. The one across from Farmers shut down a while back. The one up the Alley (Urban Jungle) is still operating, but is very slack, hardly any stock. However, we have a new pet shop opened recently, and it is awesome!! (The Pet Shop Taupo) It is just up of Spa Road, Oruanui Street. Full of stock, loads of fishies. I am a regular customer and they treat me well. I thoroughly reccomend it!!!!
  10. Hello from Taupo New Zealand. I have just completed setting up my first freshwater tropical aquarium. I have had a few disasters, but all is ok now, thank god. I have a silver Shark, Neons, ruby red siamese fighter, a golden Gourami, a couple bottom feeders, and a lovely soft glistering blue fish (dont recall his name). Im addicted something cronic I think (so what). I enjoy reading through all the questions and comments on this site. Im learning new stuff all the time, so thanks alot everyone for your inputs.
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