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Powder blue tang, I'm thinking of getting one, any thoughts?


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thanks for this, but are they any more agressive than other types of tangs? I clowns, shrimp, coral beauty and a manderine, with all sorts of corals.

This should be fine here?

Are they really as difficult as the profile says they are?


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so is white spot something they carry, or do they catch it easily from introduced white spot?

If so, I can get rid of it if I set up a qt when it occurs?

If you don’t know about white spot then it is a good reason not to get one. I would leave it until you have 1-2 years experience. Try yellow tangs naso tangs which are hardy fish.

It also helps that you tank is well matured as this will mean you have better chance to practice on hardy fish.

Powder blues are very aggressive so it would be one of the last fish I would add to a tank.

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I added my Powder blue last and yes very aggresive and you want a good stable tank, things like temp swings can bring on white spot and thats a pain. Mine had WS but got over it and is doing really well.

I would recommend a Blue tang as they are good hardy fish.

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I've had mine for a while, I was lucky I got a very healthy fish. I have several tangs in a large tank and I find my powder blue to be very aggressive and always scrapping with my Yellow tank and sailfin.

Very prone to white spot and often considered a more difficult fish to keep than most.


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mines very healthy, got a few spots just after I got him, but nothing since. His colours are stunning and glow, very fit.

Funny cause he doesn't seem that aggressive, in fact had to put a mirror up for the first week as the yellow tank and lamarck angel harrassed him endlessly. Now they all get on fine - no aggression at all.

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thank you to all who have contributed their thoughts. It is one thing to read about their profile, the other thing is to see what has happened in reality, and I feel that something like a Bonde Naso could also do the trick. They are the powder blue in colour as well, which is what Rebecca is looking for, likes me to have a variety of colour in the tank, she is into interior colours. As for me, I just like lots of everything. Spose we make a good team.

Thanks again,

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Hey Krama

The Blonde Nasos we get here in NZ are greyish in colour with a little bit of yellow so you wont get much colours from getting a naso in your tank. To get the colour in my tank I went Yellow tang (always available in your LFS) http://www.marinecenter.com/fish/tangs/yellowtang/

Sailfin tang (sometimes available)


Also have my Naso tang, I got it cause they have such a fantastic nature and adds a different body style to the tank.

I would love to have one of these for the big fish only tank http://www.marinecenter.com/fish/tangs/sohaltangredsea/

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so many tangs to choose from,

yes, you maybe right about the colour, but I did like the one they had at the zoo up here in Auckland, it was very powder blue. I am sure that it was a very good advertisment for how easy they must be to look after, pitty they do not have it in their budget, but I guess one day they will do a big upgrade on the fish side of things. THe updates on all the other displays are excellent, but maybe they feel that Auckland has a great aqua display at Kelly Taltons.

lovey bubble coral as well.


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Sohal's are great tangs. Here's some pics of mine:



They are agressive (but no more so really than powder blues in my experience)

And they are bulletproof. One of the easiest fish to keep. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being easy 10 being hard, the sohal would be a 1, the powder blue would be around 7.


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not bad at all.

And, I always find that they are better looking in person.

How big is this fish? (about) in your photos.


Around 15cm head to peduncle.

I've found that clowns seem a little more aggressive than sohals. But that just based on individuals I have owned. Who knows I may have an unusually mild sohal, or overly agressive clown

Interestingly, the sohal and clown got on well in the same tank never any sign of a stand off between them.

All in all it often comes down to trial and error. People would say putting a raccoon butterfly into a reef tank full of acro's is crazy, but i've never seen mine even look like touching a coral yet.

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Very nice fish... if only I had the room, it is a stunner.

What do you think? Room for one more large tang?

800L tank.... I was only going to add small fish as I have all the large fish I THOUGHT I needed..... oh just one more.

Blue Tang

Yellow Tang

Powder Blue tang

Pair of Tomato Clowns

Nigger Trigger

3 Cromas

Banggai Cardinal

soon to add 7 Blue eyed cardinals

Want to add


Royal Gamma

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