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Aquarium Dude

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I have had a 50 litre aquarium set up for about a year. Last week the ammonia was through the roof, that seems to be better now but the ph is way to low (6), at 3:30 I went into have a look at the tank and to my horror, the water was extremely cloudy, upon looking through the side, I could not dee the other end which is only 2 feet away.

Following the advice of a book, I have done a 33 % water change.

What is causing the milky water?

What is the story concerning the ammonia?

All the time I have had heaps of problems, following the advice from people at my lfs I have exhausted almost every possibilty (for the reason why I have problem after problem)

Could it be the silicon on the 15 year old tank?

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Caryl is totally correct the cloudiness is just a bacterial bloom

Did you clean the filters recently when you did the last water change

If so the bacterialevels are down in your filter and its trying to catch back up

It wont hurt your fish at all

Why did you have an ammonia problem in the first place is something id be more worried about

What is your maintanance routine with the tank?

Also what filtration do you currently have and the dimensions of the tank

What fish do you keep?

Do you own a test kit at all?


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White cloudiness is usually the result of a bacteria bloom. As said above. Why? Your old bacteria would of died off with the ammonia spike.

Keep a careful check on ammonia levels, you may experience increased ammonia levels as your tank is now recycling. Bacteria also consume oxygen, so with an algae bloom, make sure you have plenty of airation.

As for why you got ammonia.

What is your maintanance routine with the tank?

Also what filtration do you currently have and the dimensions of the tank

What fish do you keep?

Do you own a test kit at all?

Also how much & often do you feed your fish?

How do you clean your filters?

Do you use a gravel vac?

Frenchy :D

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