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hi newbie here


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I assume you have some of both sexes? 8)

If so, what size tank are they in and how much plant?

Platies are livebearers who will drop fry every 4 - 6 weeks but most get eaten in a community tank if they don't have plenty of plant to hide in.

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so how will i know if my platy is pregnant and when should i remove her into a sperate area

and my swordtail females are just babies so they will not be ready for breeding yet but how old do they have to be before they are ready

and how would i add a picture

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you will see her get alot fatter than usual, i have read of them aborting if they are moved into a seperate tank/breeding container when they are close to dropping from the stress so i am unsure what time would be the best time to remove her. not sure how old the swordies have to be to breed.

we have a tga club too if your interested, you can PM me if you like for some more info

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