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I know nothing about these and thought they would go in the 6ft tank I am planning but it sounds like they get too big for even this sized tank. Is this so or are there smaller ones suitable? Are some better than others? What else can go with them, if anything?

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a 6x2x2 tank would be bare miniumum for a clown/royal (both get to around the same size) and even then you would have to upgrade later on as a clown/royal can hit 2 foot easy :hail: theyre nocturnalish, some people have their ones come out during the day and feed them then. they have really big mouths and can take out some big fish. i have read they can be particularly hard to get onto prepared foods if theyve had feeders before but would probably take things like shrimp/prawns etc. i beleive their natural diet is fish so if you wanted you could replicate that.

im not sure why there arent many large clowns around (fishboi), i would assume they all die before they are able to reach their full potential for one reason or another :-?

heres a link to a basic article on clowns- http://www.theoscarspot.com/smf/index.p ... 081.0.html

('Tracey' on these forums wrote it)

i dont know about the other two, ive seen a 40cm BGK and that was awesome, they are probably less demanding than clowns and are mega cute. if ya cant choose caryl youll just have to more tanks so you can have them all :wink: :lol:

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oscars, sevs, jack dempsys, red heads, texas etc etc... most of them dont do to well in planted tanks though :lol:

what about elephant nose? they are neat- not sure how well they do in planted tanks or how big they get and if they were the only fish it would be a bit boring in the mid/top levels.

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Ghost Knife/Apteronotus albifrons can grows to around 45cm so maybe just big enough?

Brown Ghost Knifefish/Sternachella schotti would be the best as it only grow to around 20cm but haven't seen one for a while

Banded Knifefish/Gymnotus carapo my favorite :D well in the 60cm so too big and dont recall ever seen one in NZ.

Glass Knife Fish/Eigenmannia virescens male grows to around 40cm and female only half the size, very cool fish but hard to find.

Clown Knifefish/???? gets way too big well in the 90cm when fully grown and easily 60cm.

Asian Knifefish/Notopterus notopterus 35cm max but like all large Asian fish its very expensive and endangered.

African Knifefish/Xenomystus nigri around 30cm, this would be my choice for the tank as its easy to find in NZ good size for the tank. getting less common.

thats all i know but i am sure there is more if u think arros are boring then u will find knifes even more so as they're nocturnal so would be hiding most of the time. i like my nocturnal fish and have a nite light for them so i can feed then when others are sleeping :D

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I can thoroughly recommend a Black Ghost Knife, Caryl 8) We currently have our second and absolutely love him to death, just like our first. No problems at all with plants, although picking other tankmates can be a little tricky as these guys won't stand up for themselves at all :roll: They'll eat smaller fish but get bullied by more boisterous fish like some of the larger cichlids. I used to handfeed my first, but haven't quite gotten the trust of the new one, but I'm working on it!!

If your'e interested in something a little unusual, you could always look at a Spiny Eel. I have a Tiretrack and he's such a cool fish. Very intelligent and friendly.... in fact its sometimes a little hard to keep him out of your hand when you're trying to work in the tank :D Tiretracks can get pretty large, but they're very sedintary fish and would be fine in a 6 x 2 x 2. I'm pretty sure thats what Wetpetz in Palmie have their big boy in.

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I have 2 of them too, and recommend the black ghost knifes.

I have one about 10-12cm's in a 4ft tank and 15-16cm's in a 5 ft tank they are so cool - but they don't come out during the day usually only in the evening or when food is dropped in.

I just have them in with a community group of fish like a large kissing gourami, angels and gold gourami and a few others with no problem. *touch wood* now that I have said that.

and also no problems with plants either. I did have two smallish angels with no eyes one day and have since read they like tasting tiny angel's eyes.

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Ive got a clown knife in a 4 ft I go on the fact ill either have a bigger tank or sell him once he gets too big which will take a while so enjoy while I can and have an excuse to upgrade later/ from 3, 4 ft side by side made too look like a 12 ft :wink: to actually having a 12ft :D

be carefull what goes in with them they take out fish shop size tiger barbs

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think ya just might have to upgrade mat considering they can get close to 3/4 the length of your tank :lol: one of the most convincing excuses to get a new tank too- 'the fish wont be happy in this tank so i will just have to get a 12 footer ' :lol: MFK says their average length is 36" but i saw some pics of a 42"er last night :o those were kept in public aquariums so are able to attain their natural size easily.

so guys, how do BGK get on with other BGK? ive seen them housed together before but i was just passing and wasnt able to sit and watch them for hours.

whaddya reckon bout eels caryl? perhaps a geo/eel combo would look neat (plants permitting)

wok- you gotta send me some of these pocket knife fish, they sound most intriguing :lol:

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I don't know sharn but I would like to know if they would actually be ok in together - I just didn't want to risk it - but it would be very cool if they could be happy together.

The smallest one I have seen is about 6cm long and was the cutest thing I have ever seen - I nearly had 3 for a moment there :lol:

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The smallest one I have seen is about 6cm long and was the cutest thing I have ever seen - I nearly had 3 for a moment there :lol:

reminds me when i went to Taiwan last x-mas and saw small baby ghost knife also around 6cm selling for equivalent $5NZ each and by 5 get 2 free :o .

i was certain it was labeled wrong so i asked the shop keeper and he explains that they breed them and a spawn can be close to a thousand. here me thinking he is full of himself as i've never heard of captive breeding then he took me around back and show me his HUGE breeding set up just like he said amongst them was thousands of baby ghost knife and got to see the parents too. apparently its not that uncommon among his group of fish buddys then again these guys breed fancy Asian Arowana and line breed fresh water stingrays.

just thought i share :D

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