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To make it sink, either leave it in water for a month or two, or boil it if you can fit it into a pot. Boiling is a good idea anyway, it will kill any nasties. Also suggest you go to rivers to collect if you can, the wood tends to be nicer shapes and drift wood from the sea will leach salt into the tank, which isn't normally a big problem but if you can avoid it it's best to.

For rivers to collect from head for tramping bush spots rather than the open close to the cities rivers, again just because the wood tends to be more interesting

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Unfortunatly there are no rivers (that I know of) which are very easily accessible to me... I found some lovely pieces of drift wood that would make some very nice and comfy houses for my bubbas, just have to make sure I dont kill them with the nasties in the driftwood. I have found a gigantic bucket/laundry basket thingy ma bobby and weighed down the drift wood with some rocks and poured some water over them...

Hmm, 2 months you say? Not something a VERY impatient lady wants to hear!


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ooo that is a good idea

I have HUGE pieces of wood in my 4ft, and I used rocks to keep them in place. After about 2 months I removed the rocks as they werent needed anymore. It will tint your water yellow as the tannins release for quite a while, its been 3 months and my planted tank still has tinted water, guess it also depends on the wood type etc etc. I just got used to it.

If you have small bits, you can boil out the tannins, but where is the fun in that?

I got all my bits (rocks, wood) from the Hutt River.

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Make sure the bits you collect are the darker hard wood variety, not soft light coloured pine, which will deteriorate quickly. They should be heavy, even when dry.

I sit mine in a plastic bucket of water to soak, and change the water weekly, and turn them over, takes a few weeks until they don't float.

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Don't worry about the type of wood. Even if it is pine, deteriorate quickly means it will most likely still be there long after you get bored of how the tank is set up and decide to rearrange it.

yep, have to agree there.

i use my for pleco tanks and have a piece of pine in one of my tank for over a year now u differently see bits deteriorate but no so much it has reduced in size even with 100s of plecos munching on it 24/7 :D

i've got heaps of drift wood from beaches and all i do is give them a good wash then leave them to soak until they sink which would sometime take a while.

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