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Is this friend or foe?


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They are called aptasia, and they are bad. They will sting fish and corals I believe, and they are supposed to be annoying to eliminate.

There are a lot of threads here about them - but the search function has been stuffed for a long time, so you probably wont be able to find them. Some of the people who've had them will be able to help though...

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the first thing i would try is to carefully syphon it out, this dose not have a great sucess rate as they attach themselfs very well.

if you have access to kalk, make up a thick paste, turn off your pumps and cover the little buger with it. if you dont have access to kalk, i have used boiling fresh water with limited sucess. whatever you do try not to let any part of it float away, as this will grow another one.

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If you just have the one or two, try and remove the rock from the tank before you kill it this will lower the risk of bits floating off and growing. I have been using white vinigar lately, injected, it seems to work but would far rather be able to remove them and coat in kalk paste

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Not a story I thought I'd ever tell, but the first time I saw one was a real big specimen in a tank at Hollywood, looked pretty, I asked how much?

Complements to the sales person, they kept a totally straight face while telling me I really DID NOT want one!

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How do you rate using white vinigar compared to Joes Juice?

Do you squirt or actually inject the viniger?

Will it kill large ones?

I have quite a few and need to take control. One of those jobs you need to keep on top of.

Have never tried Joes Juice so can't compare, and yes you actually need to inject the viniger.The bigger they are the easier it is cause the smaller ones are a PITA to stick the needle into. I'm not 100% converted to using viniger yet I know a good covering of kalk works but there have been a few survive the viniger treatment, I'm just not sure if this is because it's not 100% or if I just missed them when injecting.

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