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Breeding mats


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Heya Everybody.

Im wanting to know if anyone uses the breeding grass type artifical plants.

eg. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=69278929

Do fish uses these? If so which fish?

If i got one would it be a good idea to ct it up and make strips of plants?

Put it in hole?

As i have sand as my substrate its hard getting plants to stay in there. I have

some fish (who i dont know) who like to nip the plants of just at the base above weight, so now i have many floating plants. I also have some others who eat all the leaves of the plants and now i have stems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Any ideas would be great. :)



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I personally don't use them as yet, but they are great for livebearers to hide when young :D The place Caryl is talking about is the 1,2,3 dollar shop I think. I saw them for sale there aswel for two or three $. Hope this helps :wink: :bounce: :bounce:

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Personally I think they area liability as you cant clean the well enough.

I use a stainless steel mesh in a tank and you can sterilize that very easily, by soaking in boiling water or as I do using Sodium or Potassium Metabisulphate.

Rinse thoroughly and place it in the tank and you are ready for the breeders.

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I have some fish (who i dont know) who like to nip the plants of just at the base above weight, so now i have many floating plants. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

That sounds like the behaviour of Pomacea canaliculata, a.k.a golden apple snail the aquarium chainsaw. Do you have them in your tank?

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I am like Amazonian, I have a problem with sterilizing the plastic. I would use stainless steel mesh as used by screen printers or marbles as they both can be sterilized by heat. As an aside, if you are ever treating fish with malachite green and get your hands dyed green (as I did once) you can get rid of it sraight away by rinsing in metabisulphite solution (from the next door neighbor who makes home brew and uses it to sterilize bottles) Malachite green is used by the Health department to test the meat at the butchers shop to see if he has been naughty and added metabisulphite (SO2) to the meat to make it look a nice colour or to make the minced meat look pink instead of the grey it goes when they add mutton. If you feed SO2 in minced meat to a magpie it will throw up straight away so it can be a useful test. After my magpie threw up I got the second lot free.

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