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Everything posted by dee_jay_01

  1. my water conditions are acceptable my nitrites were slightly up due to a recent water change couple of days earlier.
  2. Hey all i'm in the blues today, my elephant nose has died, we just treated our tank for white spot on my Clown Loaches which I think I will get rid of as it's the second time in one month that they have had it, bloody things excuse the above, he was swimming around just fine this morning but about 6pm ish EST he was dead no reason no sign of distress or any white spot on him its only on my Clown Loaches and Widow Tetras. He was my favorite fish aswell he was my first in my tank and my most prized, he was the best looking one I have ever seen, Jet Black in colour no scaring just pure, not like some I have seen recently at my LFS one in particular was extremely thin and the LFS said it wasn't eating but not willing to do anything to do anything to help it (eg. quarantine) I felt like hitting him, but I held my restraint and walked out of the shop. Has anyone got any natural remidy's for white spot on clown loaches as I 'm ready to flush them, even my partner doesn't want them anymore as she sees the trouble in them.
  3. Here is another site for Sailfin Mollies, http://www.fishprofiles.com/files/profi ... ailfin.xml I have 2 females (Males died shortly after getting them) Both of mine have just had their fry, but word of caution ALL LIVEBEARERS WILL EAT THEIR FRY, So add some Java moss to the bottom of the tank, or have a thick planted tank and they should be ok. Other guppies will also try to eat the fry but as above have lots of plants for them to hide in. And I highly recommend them for a community tank, but make sure you have atleast 2 or more to keep them occupied with each other, other then interested in your Tetras. Mine have never attacked my tetras so as my signiture says:
  4. I have heard of people making Automated Water Changing Setups for Fresh Water Tanks, I was wondering if anyone had plans or pictures of setups similar or the same as what I am after. I hate doing water changes especially during the drought were having at the moment.
  5. Where can ya normally get pumice from I live in Brisbane QLD Aust, Would a local Nursery be able to help me???
  6. Never thought of Pumice, I was thinking of 3-5mm Washed River Gravel, as I have used that before in larger versions (205L Drum) of the one I am making, I used it to filter 4000L Concrete Tanks which I was breeding Red Claw in. I had a double 205L drum Which I filtered the 10000L Tanks through.
  7. 100watt to 150 is perfect for a 60 - 70lt tank, I wouldn't go any higher unless your going to upgrade to a bigger tank soon.
  8. dee_jay_01


    Hey another way to treat ICH is to raise your water temp between 29 deg and 32 deg it sounds harsh, but It actually works ash Ich and White Spot can not live in those water temps.
  9. Well you can tell by there colour, If they are losing colour and not swimming as much then check your water conditions, Gold Fish are pretty hardy fish (Sometimes) My Fiance's Brother has One Goldfish that has ben through hell and back, I went to their place and I couldn't see through the glass it was that Green, The fish was on the bottom of the tank NOT HAPPY, I ended up cleaning the tank for them, I had it clean enough to eat off by the end. As soon as I put the fish back in he went Berserk!! Loved It, since then they have seen the progress that the fish has made and keep the tank respectable, or they clean it before I get there (lol). So dont worry about to many chemicals except the Chlorine Remover, and keep an eye on your PH once per week (6.8 -7.0 reading) And DONT forget to feed them twice per day minimim...
  10. dee_jay_01

    6ft Tank

    Ok then what about some Mud Skippers there good fun to have, you dont need much water, they dont jump, and they are cheap. Or you could try Hermit Crabs, Had about 10 of them when I was younger, Amazing Lil Creatures and you dont even need water for them just a top qaulity lid to put over the tank cuz their excellent climbers at going up the silicon.
  11. dee_jay_01

    6ft Tank

    Ok Penny Turtles are more or less Baby Turtles, and yes they can be expensive, at about $100-$200 AUD each. But are good fun to watch, you can get various varieties like the long neck etc.
  12. Never thought of Ceremic I will give it a try if i can find some.
  13. Cool, That is good news, my partner says it should come out the smaller side as well but as I said I wasn't sure how the pump would handle it, but if it will handle it, it will make it look a lot neater instead of having pipes and hoses coming from the top. I will be Spray Painting the outside of the Filter Probably a Blue or Black to Hide it a little, I have a Ledge of the side of my stand it will fit on nicely. What do you think of the media that will be inside of the filter? is a good combination, It is what AquaClear Recommend for different layers.
  14. I thought of that but the pump that i have already, (Submersible Pump, 24V AC, 1.5A, 1500L/H, 17kPa @ Zero Head, 1.7m @ Zero Head). is made for ponds and stuff so it is easier to send it back up through the top. The outlets down the bottom, 1 has a 45mm outlet and the other has a 20mm outlet. I could use the smaller one but it means the pump will have to be layed down on its side, I dont know if that would be good for it or not. The Pipe that will run back to the top will be 19mm Poly Pipe with a tap to Increase/Decrease the Pressure of the Outlet. I have estimated that I should get around the 1200L/H Output at 17kPa This is the Pump I will be using:
  15. dee_jay_01

    6ft Tank

    What about using it as a Turtle tank, you would only need to fill it half way, then add some floating platforms, some plants, 6-10 Penny Turtles and some guppies would look really nice in there.
  16. Hey all, I would like to show you some picture of a filter I am making. It will be similar to a canister filter but made from a Pool Filter. Picture 1 is the diagram I have drawn to depict how it will look, the rest of the pictures are of the filter. I will be using a 1500L/H Pump in the bottom of the filter, and the filter will be used to cycle my 4ft 250L tank. I will keep you guys informed on how the transformation is going... Diagram Filter Inside the filter Inside the Lid of the Filter, Showing the Inlet Hole The PVC Core which I will be removing The original Inlet and Outlet Holes which I will be Closing off.
  17. just buy a gravel vacuum, and pull the ends off. best ever
  18. the cheapest place to buy sand from is any local Garden Nursery or any Landscapers, you can also pick up some nice rocks and other good fish tank stuff from them for Dirt Cheap. I wouldnt be using Pool Sand because of the chemicals, nor would i use Beach sand because of the High Salt content, which would most likely kill your Tropicals. May get away with it if you soak it for a LONG time and Boil it a few time through though..
  19. cool thanks alot all, really need one of these guys to complete my collection.
  20. Put her in a Fry Net with some JAVA Moss for the Fry to hide in. Most guppies that we have had, have them late afternoon to late night. So put her in a Fry Net if you have one and wake up the next morning to possibly find some fry.
  21. Yeah I know that wasnt the Royal, But was the only picture I could find last night, But WHERE CAN I GET ONE IN BRISBANE QLD??? I need one to complete my collection.
  22. I was wondering if any Australian (Qld'ers) know where I can get a Royal Whiptail Catfish Similar to the one in the Picture (Photo Borrowed From www.planetcatfish.com )
  23. hey Congrats, One of my partners guppies had her fry the other day but we cant figure out which one? as there were none that looked or were ready too give birth???? It's a mystery there's at last count approx, 50-100 Fry.
  24. Clown Loaches would be alright in there. I have 13x Tiger Barbs and 4x Black Widow Tetras and I have never had any problem with Fin Nipping, I also have 2x Black Ghost Knife Fish, 1x Elephant Nose Fish, 3x Clown Loaches, 1x Upside Down Catfish, 2x Bristle Nose Catfish, 12x Glass Blood Fin Tetras (They are good for Hex Tanks as are Glass Catfish).
  25. hey all, I was hoping my two BGK, would get into some action for me, but to hear that they have to be around the foot long BUGGER. mine are only about 4-5" so a long way to go yet, but looking forward to the BIG day.
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