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Actually I gave up fnzas awhile back, you can view my previous postings to see when. The only reason I am back now is because I was informed that I was getting hammered on here, asd I should probably log on to defend myself, I was surprised to find that my account was still active, although I has to get a new password emailed to me as I threw away my old password months ago. Yes I did get alot of comments from people saying that the fish were wrong and suggesting that they might be illegal, I made a huge mistake in sticking to my belief that if maf had passed them through quarantine, then they were not Illegal; many fish have been banned from import, but are still legal to buy, sell and trade. I thought the fish I had were OK, but expected alot of flak over the GM issue, and resolved not to pay any attention to negative comments, It was a very severe misjugement, as I also paid no attention to well meaning advice that could have saved me, my mate who was breeding them, as well as many others, alot of trouble. As for a quick buck, yeah, i though the glo danios were a good way to make some money, a few months ago I resolved to give up breeding and trading fish, shut down most of my tanks and sell off all my surplus eqipment, I lose too much money over winter, trying to keep all my tanks running as we live in an old wooden hose and the power bill quadruples over winter. We still owe money to my inlaws, they have a say over our budget and they do not approve of the fish beyond one tank, unless the hobby can support itself, whick is why I spend hours a week messing about on trademe and selling fish to make some cash.
Actually, we never paid for any of the glo danios until after they sold, and the deal I had made with "the guy you know" was a fifty fifty split of the profit, he did the breeding, and I did the trademe stuff, he listed the first lot of glo danios himself, and then decided he really does not like dealing with the trademe stuff, so we made the deal for me to do it. I am not sure where you got the $5 figure from, unless you are splitting the $10 buynow figure I was using on the last few auctions, as i belive when you bought the glo danio you only paid $4 each, or five for $20.
Just to get some facts strait. We never said that we were surprised to find that the fish were GM, we knew they were GM from the first time I saw them. The reporter wrote the story, not me. I personally never bought any of the fish from organism, but I did stress several times to the reporter that they were originally bought over the counter from there. so the mistake would have been easy to make, my main interest in talking to the press was to let them know that we sourced the fish legally, as the media release made no mention as to this and I did not wish people not involved to assume the fish had been smuggled in, or similar. Also, we never claimed that we bred the fish, I fully intended to do so at some stage, but for now there was no reason to do so as my mate was producing plenty, and we try not to breed the same thing at the same time, as too many fish at once are difficult to sell. I am getting a little tired of the personal attacks on here, as biosecurity have said, and I have requested that they put in writing, we have done nothing wrong, we saw the fish for sale, and, knowing that they has passed through MAF quarantine facilities and checks, assumed that they were legal.
anyone ever had any trouble with these? I tried catching mysis shrimp down in the esuary and I have managed to infest my tank with leeches. they are only tiny, about 1 cm long. but they have already killed several fish. I will remove the fish in the tank, and I am thinking about putting my loaches in there to see if they can eradicate this pest. otherwise I can strip down, and sterilise the tank. anybody have an idea how the loaches will handle this? they are real good with snails, but I dont know how thay will do with something that will attack them back. anyone know of another treatment? They are nasty little critters, I got a couple of them stuck to my hand, and it took a couple of minutes of match head burns, and finally salt to remove the damn things.
If it dont fit in the oven, dig a hangi!
I cannot speak for the temperament of the fish in question, but as a worst case scenario: any of these fish by themselves are likely to become a major bully in your tank, and the severum and the oscar would be likely to eat the fish you already have and the convict once they get bigger (they get very big). also corys and bristlenoises have a defense mechanism, spikes on the sides of its head, so often a predator will choke on them if it gets stuck in its throat.
Ok. My Hoplos are in spawning condition. She is fat and looks about ready to burst, he has strong red in his fins, and slightly lighter red on his underbelly. However: I don't want to wait forever, these guys are eating a heck of alot of food, + power and space, and if they dont start pumping out juveniles to pay for themselves, then they have to go. I have read alot of stuff on the net about how to spawn them, and have tried lowering the water level, doing cold water changes, and altering the PH. My question is this: Does anyone know how to simulate rain, preferably without spending much. does anyone know the correct PH, DKH ect to spawn them at, and if anyone has had success with these fellas I would like to hear from you. Thankyou Tristan
Full size cardinals would probably be too big for angels to eat. However if the angels have eaten neons before, they will probably view any blue and red fish as food, and hound them. I have heard of cardinals bigger than 3.5 in (actually I heard bigger than four, but I took off .5 for exaggeration)
Silver dollars get huge and are very passive. kiss goodbye to your plants though......
We are planning to update our stocklist today. It will be on the commecial trade section. PM or phone me if you are interested.
Hi If you are looking to start up in chch most of these fish can be bought cheaply through private dealers. I can supply most of these fish. if you are interested, then PM me. A CO2 system is not really neccisary, unless you are planning to grow plants on a large scale. plants can be obtained cheaply through John Peters, phone 03 9429456 although all of his plants come with snails. and these can be annoying in an aquarium.
Ok. um. You probably want to do a 25% water change twice a week to start with, with small siphons using an airline tube as often as possible (daily?) to remove uneaten food and crap on the bottom of the tank. (I hope your tank has no substrate....) I wish I could say I was doing the same with my baby bettas, but with my wife in hospital I am neglecting them rather badly
Hi. I have some Golden barbs on sale on trade me, and someone asked whether they would be OK for a pond. I said (guessed) I thought they would be ok for the summer, but some would not survive the witer. I know they live OK at 18oC. Has anyone ever tried to winter over golden barbs outdoors? I am in CHCH so we get colder temperatures that the north island.
remove the male. he will eat them. I would guess that they are over 3 weeks old. siamese fighters are quite slow growing. Feed on plenty of live food if possible the more live food and water changes, the better the colourataion and growth of finnage.
The eheim should be able to be set up with the spraybar above the water and pointing strait down into it. this will ensure that there is more than enough gas exchange taking place. If you want to be sure then a bubble wall couldent hurt, (multiple redundancy) I remember when my eheim on my discus tank stopped due to a bad seal on the intake (sucking in air) and I found my discus gasping. no losses but it did give me a fright. However I have floating indian fern in most of my tanks so if you don't have that then suphew is probably right.