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Posts posted by mistymu05

  1. i was looking thru the lfs the other day (while waiting for tea) and noted that some of the males had Jagged tails - i was a little surprised and double checked with the store owner and yes we have CROWN TAILS man that is the first time i have really seen them here in chch!!!!!!!!

    i was so excited but i really dont have anywhere for one and i think keeping him in a 1.3 l jar would not be fair = oh if only the babies were old enuf to swap........ ahhhh

    but mayb i could divide the baby tank up and put him at one end and then........ hmmmmm thoughts are moving round and round

    only problem he's $20.00 and i know it doesnt sound like a lot but im trying to save for my holiday in december and i find it hard enuf as it is to save so putting this sort of temptation in front of me is not good as i wont be able to afford the petrol to travel all around down south if i keep buying these good looking guys!!!!!!!!

  2. good luck and let us know how things go......sounds like alot of work but if i think about it i would hate for that to happen at my home with three tanks: a tropical with a divided area for my male betta(182l) a baby tank full of baby bettas (50l approx) and my 2nd boy betta in his own tank (20l)

    so definitely can understand the predicament of loss of power

    in regards to lighting - as extra light for my tanks i use my bedside lamp for my boy in the 20L - we share it (also has sunlight - bright room but not direct light) and the babies also have a lamp next to their tank for during the afternoon when the sun is on the other side of the house so yours should be fine if u do that

  3. well i xferred the babies from their 20L to the larger tank on Friday nite (gee wat a social life i have :lol: ) and as i xferred them over i did another recount = alot of the smaller babies seem to have passed on and i now have about 54 babies

    but thats still all good

    i grated some frozen blood worm on friday and added that to the babies tank and the bigger ones just seem to go nuts over it so will definitely keep that up!!!!

  4. :D thanks for that -

    size wise - i really havent measured them - they are actually varying in sizes - i am feeding them fine baby food at the mo cos i already had it at home (also means i dont have to crush the flakes - oh how lazy :oops: )

    anyways everything seems to be going well in the tank i am actually thinking of doing a tank xfer and putting them into my middle sized tank (50L approx when full) and putting my new boy betta into the smaller tank(20L)

    will let you know if i go ahead with this

  5. i have baby bettas and was wondering when you guys reckon i could start feeding them frozn bloodworms all chopped up - i have 70 fry and am currently feeding them the fine powdery baby food, they have had liquidfry and bbs in the past but have run out of bbs eegs to create more so they are currently only getting the baby food.

    cheers for any replies in advance


  6. well they are now 5 weeks old :) and i decided that as the snail population seemed to be outnumbering the babies i would do a really big clean of their tank (their first big major one) and so after catching all the babies and putting them in a big white bucket i got stuck into the tank, cleaning and removing unwanted snails and then refilled the tank (left some of the old water in there) :D

    anyways that morning i had thought i had about 25 babies give or take the double counting of some and the ones hiding in the moss :-? but after having xferrred them all to the big white bucket was certain it was more likely to be between 25-50 (at the max) so as i collected them back up and xferred them back to their tank i decided to take a poll - i ended up with 70 i tell u that was a huge surprise esp considering they were all eggs on the bottom of the tank as dad couldnt be bothered blowing a nest and so had to be removed before the babies hatched as he had exhausted himself chasing them from top to bottom and back again :roll:

  7. i have a mix of both colours in my tanks - my large leafed plant (dont ask wat type i will get a pic added at some stage cos i always forget names) started off with green algae and cos it didnt get consumed by my algae cleaning fish it has started to turn brown and start to grow wisps....oh yay

    gonna have to give it a good clean now

  8. thanks caryl, im getting rather excited cant wait to see what colours they turn out and even tho i know i really cant keep them all myself i will find it hard to pass them onto others but thats the way it has to b tho i will keep one or two perhaps 1 male and two female = equal numbers then cos at the mo i got 2 males and one female - (had to put one of my females down last week so went out and bought myself a male to make me feel better :oops: )

  9. i have platy in my tank - i dont try to breed them i just let them go - the original ones i had were F = bright orange and M = deep red

    they had babies and then passed and now i have their children breeding and i just find them in the tank - usually on the side my betta is on cos he not interested in them

  10. i decided not to say anything and not tempt fate until i had gone past the 2.5 week stage which is where i lost my first spawn at and now that the second have reached this stage i am happy to say i now have four week old baby bettas - yippee and they even starting to look like fish (rather than tadpoles) when u look at them from side on

  11. i went out today and bought my self a new boy betta - hes a very pale orange/rusty colour and very nice tail/fins very flowing

    he was to replace the girl i had to put down last nite - severe case of dropsy - first time i have had sickness in my tanks since i got them so i dont think i did too bad but i was a bit upset at having to euthanise her so he was a rebound buy but i love him all the same

  12. i went to redwood the other day - found a dead fish in their tank (it happens) but he didnt seem that keen on getting rid of it asap also i didnt like the tiny tanks they were keeping their bettas in but besides that it was a nice place, where would this other place...organsim.... be found?

  13. thanks guys, I have registered with other forums and it took me ages to find this one......i am registered also with Aquarium & Tropical Fish Keeping Hobbyists, Tropical Fish Centre(uk), also with an Australian Betta Forum, and now this one.......

    maybe now i can get some info from those in Chch about where they get their stuff from etc......


  14. My name is Alana and i live in Chch. I have one tropical tank with a whole range of fishies - albino barbs, albino cory,f and m bettas, neon and glowlight tetras, platy and dwarf gourami.

    i also have a 20l with baby bettas in it that are two weeks old. hopefully these little guys will last so that i can sell them to buy more tank products ie another better filter and a heater so i can set up another tank (that i already have)........

    my other pets are my baby dog Misty and her mate Bear(both staffy x's) my cat Nuggles and his sister Muffin. I used to have rats and would actually love to get back into them......

    thats about it for me...

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