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Posts posted by mistymu05

  1. i agree totally with them being great fish to keep...... i only have one adult boy left but he has a sweet personality.... he loves to rub against my finger as i have it sitting in the top of the tank..... all the bubbies i had also come a swimmin over when i put a finger or two in the tank and they just hang around or if i put my hand in and bend the fingers in towards the palm the swim into the cup and trust me totally.....its quite amazing really

    i also think one of my girls may actually be a boy but if so he's definitely a slow developer and he will look good but if that is the case i had betta move him soon as my adult male is in the same tank at the mo

    fortunately there have been no fights etc yet.....

  2. at the mo i have my male in with all the young females = but he cant be in with the original F i have left cos shes a bully and tears him to shreds!!!!

    its really all dependant on the personality of each individual fish = the young ones i have are all used to being in a mixed group but the older F is used to being seperated from the M

  3. i havent named mine......i find it hard to think of names for pets like dogs etc so u can imagine how hard i find it for fish!!!! hjehehehe

    yeah i really should take some updated photos of the babies - (not so babyish now tho)

    i also go to the Australian Betta Forums - they are really good there esp as thats all they mainly focus on.......i would love to get a variety of bettas and now im in my own place and im getting the bigger tank (185L) i can divide it and get a few of them and keep my 20l for breeding......

  4. i have kept some of my babies from the spawn i did..... there are a mix of gorgeous blues and teals - i think the main colourings cam from the dad who sadly passed on a couple of weeks ago after a long illness...and he didnt like the moving from one house to another much either........

    i am planning on getting the other male i have = hes a peachy colour and mating him with the largest baby female - they are about 5 or 6 months old now and she is a gorgeous blue colour so it will be interestin to see what comes from that spawn......

    let us know how ur spawning goes Phillz

  5. I was just wonderin....... having read alot of the post on here about joining clubs that are FNZAS affliated cos this means u will get benefits from it (being a member of FNZAS) i was wondering if u could state those benefits and how we let the stores that provide us with the benefits know that we are FNZAS members (or point us to the link with the details)


    this is besides being a member of a marvelous club with heaps of info and friendly people and a wonderful monthly newsletter!!!!!!

  6. all tests normal - i guess it was just the stress of moving tho it didnt happen last time - oh well and fortunately the deaths have stopped -

    of course in the process of moving from one house to another its a bit difficult to keep the air running thru filters but they were in water the whole time and the stones were kept in the orginal water as well.......

    fortunately i didnt lose any of my bettas..... for me thats the main thing......

  7. eewwwww!!!!! i think i will just have to have a look for my own hygiene safety now - the thought that sonething could b in the water i drink, shower etc in is not a nice thought......

    and to think tht i am also putting this in my tank - needs to be checked definitely now

  8. used water, substrate, in fact everything from the old tank to set up new tank - the fish were transported in buckets containing the water from the broken down setup and were only in buckets at the most for 45-60min - from the time they were netted out of the tank.......

    i have used the aqua plus in the new tap water just in case but i am in the same area of town sort of - have moved from richmond to st albans - practically one end of edgeware road to the other

    i have two tanks set up - one contains the tropicals and the other has the bettas, a pleco and a goldfish and there has been no problems in the betta tank just the tropical

  9. since moving last weekend i have had 4 deaths in my trop tank. 2 barbs one tetra and my little algae eater

    my blue and orange gourami is currently orange and black/brown

    the top half of the gourami is supposed to be blue but appears to look a dark brown/black colour - none of the other fish look sick - i have added meds to the water, the parameters all seem fine = so i give up -

    anyone have any ideas?????? - the new set up has mainly water from the old tank with a little bit of fresh stuff (like when doin a water change)

  10. sorry about the slow reply - yip i have all my females in the same tank and as they are from the same spawn they are used to each other as well

    let me know if u r still keen and we can have a discussion........

    females are hard to find in chch as well but they still dont get much when selling them to LFS which is a shame really as u need them to continue on the species!!! :wink:

  11. Well tomorrow is d-day for the fishies we are on the move to a new home!

    I have melded four tanks into two so far and set up a tank in the new home to put some of them into when we get there but the rest will have to like their heated buckets for a little while, while i set up the next tank to put them into.........

    cos i have two male fighters and a heap of females (some from my spawn that arent yet big enough to pass onto the pet stores) i have to have two tanks to keep them seperate

    i also cant put the male fighters or the goldie i got given in with the barbs as they bite their tails so this will be interesting as i wont have the large 180 set up in my new place (this will be taken by my dad) i have to put them in the following:

    20L - set up and waiting at the new house

    50L - holding 2 m and the all the f fighters as well as goldie and pleco (still small)

    10L - will set this up tonite and this one gets my sad fighter in it

  12. i think my first male betta has depression too - he just sits on the bottom of the tank - scaring me into thinking a couple of times he must be dead - he used to actively swim around but then he had to share his tank with a gold fish for a short time and since then he just seems to have given up - the goldfish is no longer in with him and i even moved the betta to a new tank and still he doesnt move alot - i even put a female in with him and even tho he was excited for a short while he just went back to lying on his side in the tank and only moving in short bursts and when it was feeding time and even then he didnt always move!!!!

    he doesnt appear to have any diseases so i really dont know what to do now..........:cry:

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